BORDER TRANSITS | Buch | 978-90-420-2249-2 |

Buch, Englisch, Band 2, 303 Seiten, Format (B × H): 150 mm x 220 mm, Gewicht: 499 g

Reihe: Critical Approaches to Ethnic American Literature


Buch, Englisch, Band 2, 303 Seiten, Format (B × H): 150 mm x 220 mm, Gewicht: 499 g

Reihe: Critical Approaches to Ethnic American Literature

ISBN: 978-90-420-2249-2

What constitutes a border situation? How translatable and “portable” is the border? What are the borders of words surrounding the border? In its five sections, Border Transits: Literature and Culture across the Line intends to address these issues as it brings together visions of border dynamics from both sides of the Atlantic Ocean. The volume opens with “Part I: (B)orders and lines: A Theoretical Intervention,” which explores the circle and the cross as spatial configurations of two contradictory urges, to separate and divide on the one hand, and to welcome and allow passage on the other. “Part II: Visions of the Mexican-US Border” zooms in onto the Mexican-United States border as it delves into the border transits between the two neighboring countries. But what happens when we situate the border on the cultural terrain? How well does the border travel? “Part III: Cultural Intersections” expands the border encounter as it deals with the different ways in which texts are encoded, registered, appropriated, mimicked and transformed in other cultural texts. “Part IV: Trans-Nations,” addresses instances of trans-American relations stemming from experiences of up-rooting and intercultural contacts in the context of mass-migration and migratory flows. Finally, “Part V: Trans-Lations,” deals with the ways in which the cultural borderlands suffuse other discourses and cultural practices.
The volume is of interest for scholars and researchers in the field of Border studies, Chicano studies, “Ethnic Studies,” as well as American Literature and Culture
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Weitere Infos & Material

Ana Mª MANZANAS: Border Dynamics: From Terminus to Terminator
Part I: (B)orders and Lines: A Theoretical Intervention
Ana Mª MANZANAS: Circles and Crosses: Reconsidering Lines of Demarcation
Part II: Visions of the U.S.-Mexican Border
José Pablo VILLALOBOS: Up against the Border: A Literary Response
Édgar COTA-TORRES: Dispelling the Border Myth: Zonkey Writers and the Black Legend
Javier DURÁN: Border Voices: Life Writings and Self-Representation of the U.S.-Mexico Frontera
Santiago VAQUERA: Postcards from the Border: In Tijuana, Revolución is an Avenue
Part III: Cultural Intersections
Isabel SOTO: “To Hear Another Language”: Lifting the Veil between Langston Hughes and Federico García Lorca
Isabel DURÁN: The Brown/Mestiza Metaphor, or the Impertinence against Borders
Begoña SIMAL: “A Wall of Barbed Lies”: Absent Borders in María Cristina Mena’s Short Fiction
Part IV: Trans-Nations
Maria Antònia OLIVER-ROTGER: Ethnographies of Transnational Migration in Rubén Martínez’s Crossing Over (2001)
Manuel MARTÍN-RODRÍGUEZ: Mapping the Trans/Hispanic Atlantic: Nuyol, Miami, Tenerife, Tangier
Part V: Trans-Lations
África VIDAL: Resisting through Hyphenation: The Ethics of Translating (Im)pure Texts
Ángel MATEOS-APARICIO: Trespassers of Body Boundaries: The Cyborg and the Construction of a Postgendered Posthuman Identity

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