Bowling | Research Methods in Health | Buch | 978-0-335-23796-8 |

Buch, Englisch, Format (B × H): 170 mm x 238 mm


Research Methods in Health

Buch, Englisch, Format (B × H): 170 mm x 238 mm

ISBN: 978-0-335-23796-8
Verlag: Open University Press

"The new edition of Research Methods in Health continues to provide an excellent broad based introduction to the subject. New or expanded sections, for example on the evaluation of complex interventions, mixed research methods, life history interviews, and socio-psychological theories make this third edition well worth purchasing. The content is clearly presented and at a suitable level for its intended audience of health professionals and post-graduate students in health and health-related social sciences."

Virginia Berridge, London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine, UK

"Research Methods in Health provides a comprehensive guide to the variety of methods for studying and assessing health and health services. The book not only covers all the topics you need regarding research methods, but also looks into the wider aspects of health and health services. I especially liked the way the book didn’t jump straight into research methods and methodology, but took time to introduce some of the main sociological and psychological concepts and ideas, as well as looking at demography and epidemiology. Each chapter is introduced in easily understood terms and ends with the main points concisely summarized. Throughout the book clear examples are very well used to build on our understanding of key concepts and at the end of the book is a very useful glossary of terms."

Conor Hamilton, Student Nurse, Queen's University Belfast, UK

"A very simplified text book of research that guides students through different research designs/methodologies. I think this book must be recommended to every research student."

Moses Murandu, Wolverhampton University, UK

This bestselling book provides an accessible introduction to the theoretical concepts and descriptive and analytic research methods used in research on health and health services. The third edition has been thoroughly revised throughout to include updated references and boxed examples, with additional information on key methodological developments, among them:

- Complex interventions

- Mixed research methods

- Psychometrics

- Secondary data analysis

- Systematic reviews

- Pertinent social science concepts

The research methods described cover the assessment of health needs, morbidity and mortality trends and rates, costing health services, sampling for survey research, cross-sectional and longitudinal survey design, experimental methods and techniques of group assignment, questionnaire design, interviewing techniques, coding and analysis of quantitative data, methods and analysis of qualitative observational studies, and types of unstructured interviewing.

The book is grounded in the author's career as a researcher on health and health service issues, and the valuable experience this has provided in meeting the challenges of research on people and organisations in real life settings.

Research Methods in Health is an essential companion for students and researchers of health and health services, health clinicians and policy-makers with responsibility for applying research findings and judging the soundness of research.
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Section 1 – Investigating health services and health: the scope of research

Chapter 1: Evaluating health services: multidisciplinary collaboration


Health services research

Health technology assessment

The assessment of quality


Medical audit, clinical audit and quality assurance


Structure, process and outcome

Appropriateness and inappropriateness

Outcome and patient based outcome

Summary of main points

Key questions

Key terms

Recommended reading

Chapter 2: Social research on health: sociological and psychological concepts and approaches


Sociological and psychological research on health

1 Health and illness

The bio-medical model

The social model of health

Lay definitions of health

Lay theories of illness

Variations in medical and lay perspectives

2 Social factors in illness and responses to illness

Social variations in health: structural inequalities

Psycho-social stress and responses to stress to include mediators including self-efficacy, control

Stigma, normalisation and adjustment

The Sick Role and illness behaviour

3 Models of health behaviour

Health lifestyles

Health behaviour

Models of health-related actions to include theory of planned behaviour, self-efficacy and control

4 Health-related quality of life

Theoretical influences on measurement

Distinctions between measures of broader health status, quality of life and health related quality of life

Patient based outcome measures

5 Interactions between health professionals and patients


Patients evaluations of health care

Summary of main points

Key questions

Key terms

Recommended reading

Chapter 3: Health needs and their assessment: demography and epidemiology


1 The assessment of health needs

Health needs

The need for health and the need for health care

Methods of assessing health needs

The role of epidemiological and demographic research

2 Epidemiology

The role of epidemiology

Epidemiology research

Methods of epidemiology

Assessing morbidity, mortality, incidence and prevalence

3 The role of demography

Demographical methods in relation to assessing need

Rates: births and deaths

The need to standardise

Analyses of survival

Summary of main points

Key questions

Key terms

Recommended reading

Chapter 4: Costing health services: health economics


Health economics

Demand, utility and supply

Economic appraisal

Cost minimisation


Cost-benefit analysis

Marginal cost

Complete costs

Event pathways

Opportunity cost


Cost-utility analysis

Cost-utility analysis and economic valuations of health

Costing health services

Study methods used for costings

Modelling health care costs

Summary of main points

Key questions

Key terms

Recommended reading

Section II – The philosophy, theory and practice of research

Chapter 5: The philosophical framework of measurement


The philosophy of science


Objectivity and value freedom

Deductive and inductive approaches

The survival of hypotheses and paradigm shifts

Theoretical influences on social research methods

Social science and grounded theory



Choice of methods

Summary of main points

Key questions

Key te

Ann Bowling is Professor of Health Services Research at University College London, UK. She specialises in quality of life measurement, research on ageing and equity of access to health services, and is author of bestselling books on research methods and measurement including Measuring Disease, 2e, Measuring Health, 3e, and A Handbook of Health Research Methods jointly with Professor Shah Ebrahim (all published by Open University Press).

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