Bradley | Social Media for Creative Libraries | Buch | 978-1-85604-713-5 |

Buch, Englisch, 256 Seiten, Format (B × H): 156 mm x 230 mm


Social Media for Creative Libraries

1. Auflage 2015
ISBN: 978-1-85604-713-5
Verlag: Taylor & Francis

Buch, Englisch, 256 Seiten, Format (B × H): 156 mm x 230 mm

ISBN: 978-1-85604-713-5
Verlag: Taylor & Francis

Social Media for Creative Libraries explains how librarians and information professionals can use online tools to communicate more effectively, teach people different skills and to market and promote their service faster, cheaper and more effectively.

Based on his acclaimed work How to Use Web 2.0 in Your Library, Phil Bradley has restructured and comprehensively updated this new book to focus on the activities that information professionals carry out on a daily basis, before then analysing and explaining how online tools can assist them in those activities. Including:

a discussion of authority checking and why information professionals are needed more than ever in a social media worlda guide to creating great presentations online

how online tools can make teaching and training sessions easier and more enjoyable for information professionals

useful tips for implementing new strategies in libraries and a discussion of the practicalities of library marketing and promotion

how to create a good social media policy and why

a look at a few social media disasters and how they could have been avoided

Readership: Packed with features and accompanied by introductory videos on the Facet Publishing YouTube channel, Social Media for Creative Libraries is essential reading for all library and information professionals. Social Media for Creative Libraries explains how librarians and information professionals can use online tools to communicate more effectively, teach people different skills and to market and promote their service faster, cheaper and more effectively.

Based on his acclaimed work How to Use Web 2.0 in Your Library, Phil Bradley has restructured and comprehensively updated this new book to focus on the activities that information professionals carry out on a daily basis, before then analysing and explaining how online tools can assist them in those activities. Including:

• a discussion of authority checking and why information professionals are needed more than ever in a social media world

• a guide to creating great presentations online

• how online tools can make teaching and training sessions easier and more enjoyable for information professionals

• useful tips for implementing new strategies in libraries and a discussion of the practicalities of library marketing and promotion

• how to create a good social media policy and why

• a look at a few social media disasters and how they could have been avoided

Readership: Packed with features and accompanied by introductory videos on the Facet Publishing YouTube channel, Social Media for Creative Libraries is essential reading for all library and information professionals.

Bradley Social Media for Creative Libraries jetzt bestellen!


Professional Practice & Development


Weitere Infos & Material

1. An introduction to social media 2. Authority checking 3. Guiding tools 4.Current awareness and selective dissemination of information resources 5. Presentation tools 6. Teaching and training 7. Communication 8. Marketing and promotion – the groundwork 9. Marketing and promotion – the practicalities 10. Creating a social media policy Appendix: Social media disasters.

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