Bragdon | Transportation Security | Buch | 978-0-7506-8549-8 |

Buch, Englisch, 456 Seiten, Format (B × H): 184 mm x 260 mm, Gewicht: 1120 g


Transportation Security

Buch, Englisch, 456 Seiten, Format (B × H): 184 mm x 260 mm, Gewicht: 1120 g

ISBN: 978-0-7506-8549-8
Verlag: Elsevier Science & Technology

Insecure transportation systems are costing our worldwide mobility-based economy as much as 6% of GDP annually. The effectiveness of security measures vary widely. In the United States, depending on the mode of transportation, it ranges from "medium effectiveness� for airports to "low effectiveness� for maritime, rail, transit, and intermodal activities. Situational awareness and interoperability are lacking as we try to deal with both natural and man-made disasters. Regardless of the transport mode, improvements are essential if governments and corporations are to address security planning, response, and national preparedness. Transportation Security examines this problem in a comprehensive manner and addresses security-based technologies and solutions to minimize risk.
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Planners, engineers, architects, managers, logisticians and officials involved in public and private transportation security; researchers in transportation (civil engineering urban planning) infrastructure, building construction; Homeland Security/Emergency Management programs and national preparedness.


Weitere Infos & Material

Part I: IntroductionChapter 1: Transportation Security and Its Impact Clifford R. Bragdon, Ph.D., AICP, FASAChapter 2: Transportation Security Through Logistics Transformation Charles P. Nemfakos Sarah R. JamesChapter 3: The Need for a Transportation Systems Approach Clifford R. Bragdon, Ph.D., AICP, FASAChapter 4: Mobility Security and Human Behavior Michael Workman, Ph.D.Part II: Modal Aspects of Transportation SecurityChapter 5: Road Transportation and Infrastructure Security L. David Shen, Ph.D.Chapter 6: Aviation Security Thomas L. JensenChapter 7: Maritime Security John C.W. Bennett, JD., LL.M.Part III: Technology Applications to Transportation SecurityChapter 8: Computer and Transportation Systems Security Peter V. Radatti, Ph.D.Chapter 9: Intermodal Transportation Security Technology Robert Sewak, Ph.D.Chapter 10:Transportation Security: Applying Military Situational Awareness System Technology to Transportation Applications William S. Pepper IVPart IV: Transportation Security SolutionsChapter 11:AIDC: The Foundation of Military Logistics Corey A. Cook LCDR (Ret.) Thomas A. BrunoChapter 12:Infrastructure Recovery Initiatives: A Retrospective Assessment Ralph V. Locurcio, Brig. Gen. (Ret.), P.E.Chapter 13:Immigration and National Security: Best Practices Jo RamChapter 14:Fast Integrated Response Systems Technology (FIRST)and Establishing a Global Center for Preparedness Clifford R. Bragdon, Ph.D., AICP, FASA

Bragdon, Clifford
Distinguished Research Professor, as well as Director of the Center for National Preparedness at the Florida Institute of Technology, located in Melbourne, Florida, USA. He is also Associate Provost, and Dean of University College at FIT

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