Buch, Englisch, 1463 Seiten, 2-vol. set, Format (B × H): 170 mm x 240 mm, Gewicht: 2600 g
Buch, Englisch, 1463 Seiten, 2-vol. set, Format (B × H): 170 mm x 240 mm, Gewicht: 2600 g
ISBN: 978-3-03785-143-2
Verlag: Trans Tech Publications
- Technische Wissenschaften Maschinenbau | Werkstoffkunde Technische Mechanik | Werkstoffkunde Materialwissenschaft: Metallische Werkstoffe
- Technische Wissenschaften Verfahrenstechnik | Chemieingenieurwesen | Biotechnologie Metallurgie
- Naturwissenschaften Physik Thermodynamik Physik der Zustandsübergänge
Weitere Infos & Material
Foreword and Committees
CHAPTER 1: Displacive Transformations
Interfacial Properties and Critical Avalanche Exponents of Shape Memory Alloys and Related Materials
Prediction and Exploitation of Transformation Texture
The Topological Model (TM) of Martensite Transformations – some Improvements
Transformation and Twinning Pseudoelasticities in Fe3Ga Single Crystals
Rate-Dependent Damping Capacity of NiTi Shape Memory Alloy
Phase Transformation and Shape Memory Effect in Ru-Based High Temperature Shape Memory Alloys
Martensitic Transformation and Shape Memory Effect in Titanium-Gold Compound
Variant Selection in Austenitic Stainless Steel Samples after Cold Rolling and Tension Deformation
Investigation of Lath and Plate Martensite in a Carbon Steel
Martensite Midrib in an Fe-1C-17Cr Stainless Steel
Martensitic Transformations Using a Two-Body Isotropic Potential: Strain-Stress Simulations and Superelasticity in Monocrystals
Instability of the Parent Phase in Nearly Ordered Fe3Pt Invar Alloys
Grain Scale Analysis of Variant Selection during the Gamma-Epsilon-Alpha' Phase Transformation in Austenitic Steels
An Interpretation on Kinetics of Martensitic Transformation
Microstructural and Crystallographic Characteristics of Deformation-Induced Martensite Formed in Cold-Drawn 316 Type Stainless Steel
Special Microstructures and Twin Features in Ti50Ni50-X(Pd,Au)X at Small Hysteresis
Slow Bainite: an Opportunity to Determine the Carbon Content of the Bainitic Ferrite during Growth
Distribution of Dislocations in Nanostructured Bainite
Understanding of the Bainite Transformation in a Nano-Structured Bainitic Steel
Beta Titanium Alloys with Very High Ductility Induced by Complex Deformation Mechanisms: a New Material Perspective for Coronary Stent Applications
Precursor Nanoscale Textures: from Tweed to Glassy Behaviour
Acoustic Emission Avalanches in Martensitic Transitions: New Perspectives for the Problem of Source Location
Position of Incommensurate Satellites Appearing in Ti-Ni Based Shape Memory Alloys
Effects of Transformation Temperature on Variant Grouping of Bainitic Ferrite in Low Carbon Steel
Elastic and Dielectric Measurements of the Structural Transformations in the Ferroelectric Perovskite (Na1/2Bi1/2)1-XBaXTiO3
Promoting Isothermal Martensite Formation by High Temperature Heat Treatments in a Precipitation Hardening Austenitic Stainless Steel
Influence of Temperature on Phase Transformation and Deformation Mechanisms of Cast CrMnNi-TRIP/TWIP Steel
Neutron Diffraction Study of a CuAlBe Shape Memory Alloy
The Use of Barkhausen Noise to Study the Martensitic Phase Transformation
Effects of Cooling Rate and Sn Addition on the Microstructure of Ti-Nb-Sn Alloys
Microstructural Control of the Austenite Stability in Low-Alloyed TRIP Steels
Structural Transitions in a Co2NiGa Ferromagnetic Shape Memory Alloy
Microstructure of Cu-Zn-Al Shape Memory Alloys Joined by Electric Stored-Energy Welding
Acceleration of Bainitic Transformation in Nanostructured, Low Temperature Bainitic Steels by Using of Thermodynamic Model
Martensite Fraction Determination Using Cooling Curve Analysis
CHAPTER 2: Diffusional Transformations
Advanced TEM and SEM Methods Applied to 3D Nano- and Microstructural Investigations of Ni4Ti3 Precipitates in Ni-Ti (SMA)
Substitution Effect of the Third Element X on the Morphology of A1/L12/D022 Three-Phase Microstructure in Ni-V-X (X=Si, Al) Alloy
Edge-to-Edge Matching at Ti-TiH Interfaces: Kinetics of Hydride Growth and Clustering of Precipitates with Different Orientation Relationships
Zêta Hydride Prec