Britton / Doake | A Student Guide to Object-Oriented Development | Buch | 978-0-7506-6123-2 |

Buch, Englisch, 416 Seiten, Format (B × H): 171 mm x 244 mm, Gewicht: 730 g

Britton / Doake

A Student Guide to Object-Oriented Development

Erscheinungsjahr 2004
ISBN: 978-0-7506-6123-2
Verlag: Elsevier Science & Technology

Buch, Englisch, 416 Seiten, Format (B × H): 171 mm x 244 mm, Gewicht: 730 g

ISBN: 978-0-7506-6123-2
Verlag: Elsevier Science & Technology

A Student Guide to Object-Oriented Development is an introductory text that follows the software development process, from requirements capture to implementation, using an object-oriented approach. The book uses object-oriented techniques to present a practical viewpoint on developing software, providing the reader with a basic understanding of object-oriented concepts by developing the subject in an uncomplicated and easy-to-follow manner. It is based on a main worked case study for teaching purposes, plus others with password-protected answers on the web for use in coursework or exams. Readers can benefit from the authors' years of teaching experience.

The book outlines standard object-oriented modelling techniques and illustrates them with a variety of examples and exercises, using UML as the modelling language and Java as the language of implementation. It adopts a simple, step by step approach to object-oriented development, and includes case studies, examples, and exercises with solutions to consolidate learning. There are 13 chapters covering a variety of topics such as sequence and collaboration diagrams; state diagrams; activity diagrams; and implementation diagrams.

This book is an ideal reference for students taking undergraduate introductory/intermediate computing and information systems courses, as well as business studies courses and conversion masters' programmes.

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Undergraduate introductory/intermediate computing and information systems courses. There will also be a market on business studies courses and conversion masters' programmes.


Weitere Infos & Material

Preface; List of trademarks; Chapter 1 - Introduction; Chapter 2 - Frameworks and Approaches; Chapter 3 - Requirements; Chapter 4 - Use cases and scenarios; Chapter 5 - The Class Diagram; Chapter 6 - Sequence and collaboration diagrams; Chapter 7 - State diagrams; Chapter 8 - Activity diagrams; Chapter 9 - Design techniques; Chapter 10 - Implementation diagrams; Chapter 11 - Implementation; Chapter 12 - Testing; Chapter 13 - Putting it all together; Bibliography; Glossary; Answers to selected exercises; Index

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