Brodal | The Central Nervous System | Buch | 978-0-19-538115-3 |

Buch, Englisch, 608 Seiten, Format (B × H): 225 mm x 287 mm, Gewicht: 2217 g


The Central Nervous System

4. Auflage 2010
ISBN: 978-0-19-538115-3
Verlag: Oxford University Press

Buch, Englisch, 608 Seiten, Format (B × H): 225 mm x 287 mm, Gewicht: 2217 g

ISBN: 978-0-19-538115-3
Verlag: Oxford University Press

The Central Nervous System: Structure and Function, Fourth Edition continues the tradition of one of the most respected textbooks in clinical neuroscience by providing medical students the knowledge and understanding of neuroscience as a basis for clinical thinking. While remaining concise and easy to read, the text encourages reflection and critical thinking of established facts and scientific conjecture and will be of interest to medical, graduate, and

undergraduate students alike.

Prof Per Brodal provides clear descriptions of brain structures and relates them to their functional properties by incorporating data from molecular biology to clinical neurology. The numerous full color line drawings - based on the author's long experience of teaching undergraduate students and new to this edition - make it easier to understand complex structural and functional relationships.

Thoroughly revised, this fourth edition goes further in integrating material from all fields of the neurosciences. Now divided into 8 Sections with a total of 34 Chapters, each chapter is introduced by a brief overview of what the student can expect to learn. New material has been incorporated in all chapters while maintaining the scope and coverage that has established The Central Nervous System: Structure and Function as the preeminent neuroscience textbook.

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Undergraduate medical students, psychology students, and students of physiotherapy. In addition, the book may (according to reviews and feedback from users) serve as a refresher for clinicians (neurology, neurosurgery, rehabilitation medicine, psychiatry, and physiotherapists).


Weitere Infos & Material

Per Brodal, MD, PhD
Department of Anatomy
Institute of Basic Medical Science
University of Oslo
Oslo, Norway

Per Brodal is professor of Anatomy and former Dean of Education at the Institute of Basic Medical Sciences at the University of Oslo. Dr. Brodal has been working on experimental neuroanatomy for 30 years, and has broad experience in teaching at the undergraduate and graduate levels. During recent years Dr. Brodal has headed planning and implementation of curricular reforms at the University of Oslo.

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