Brown / Cui / Mihalko | Arthritis and Arthroplasty: The Knee | Buch | 978-1-4160-4974-6 |

Buch, Englisch, 352 Seiten, Hardback and Internet Resource, Format (B × H): 216 mm x 276 mm

Reihe: Arthritis and Arthroplasty

Brown / Cui / Mihalko

Arthritis and Arthroplasty: The Knee

Expert Consult - Online, Print and DVD

Buch, Englisch, 352 Seiten, Hardback and Internet Resource, Format (B × H): 216 mm x 276 mm

Reihe: Arthritis and Arthroplasty

ISBN: 978-1-4160-4974-6
Verlag: Saunders

The Knee-a volume in the new Arthritis and Arthroplasty series-offers expert guidance on everything from patient selection and pre-operative planning to surgical approaches and techniques. Clear, evidence-based coverage details which technology and methodology used for total knee arthroplasty (TKA), reconstruction or revision is best for each patient. Access discussions of debates on sizing and balancing, minimally invasive surgery, component removal, management of bone loss and ligament insufficiency in revision TKA, infection, peirprosthetic fractures and more. Explore alternatives to TKA in younger arthritic patients and view expertly narrated video demonstrations of surgical techniques. In addition to providing practical, pragmatic advice in a concise, readable format, this Expert Consult title offers the full text of the book, as well as links to PubMed and periodic content updates, online at
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Weitere Infos & Material

Part 1: Surgical Treatment of the Arthritic Knee: Alternatives to TKA

Chapter 1. Arthroscopic Debridement of the Arthritic Knee: Is There Still A Role?, S. Raymond Golish and David R. Diduch

Chapter 2. Cartilage Repair and Replacement: From OATS to Allograft, Matthew T. Provencher, Christopher B. Dewing, Sam Akhavan, Anthony Miniaci. Allison G. McNickle, Adam B. Yanke, and Brian J. Cole

Chapter 3. Distal Femoral Osteotomy for Genu Valgum, Matthew j. Phillips and Leslie Murli Manohar

Chapter 4. Principles of Correction for Monocompartmental Arthritis of the Knee, Dror Paley

Chapter 5. Unicompartmental Knee Arthroplasty, V. Karthik Jonna andAlfred J. Tria, Jr.

Chapter 6. Patellofemoral Arthroplasty, Kevin J. Mulhall and Diarmuid Molony

Part 2: Primary Total Knee Arthroplasty

Chapter 7. Surgical Approaches for Primary Total Knee Arthroplasty: Old and New, Stephen R. Thompson and Vincent D. Pellegrini, Jr

Chapter 8. Soft Tissue Balancing During Total Knee Arthroplasty, William M. Mihalko, Kyle J. Messick, Kenneth A. Krackow, and Leo A. Whiteside

Chapter 9. Sizing and Balancing: Gap Technique vs. Measured Resection, Michael N. Kang and Giles R. Scuderi

Chapter 10. PCL retaining TKA
KA Hogan, TS Thornhill

Chapter 11. Posterior Stabilized TKA, Christopher W. Olcott

Chapter 12. Mobile Bearing TKA, Joseph T. Moskal and Vincent J Williams

Chapter 13. Intra-operative Complications during TKA: How to Get Out of Trouble, Lowery Barnes and Richard Scott

Chapter 14. Minimally Invasive Total Knee Arthroplasty, Peter M. Bonutti, Mike S. McGrath, David R. Marker, Ronald E. Delanois, Slif D. Ulrich, and Michael A. Mont

Part 3: Revision Total Knee Arthroplasty: The Basics

Chapter 15. Evaluation of the Painful/Failed TKA, Patrick Morgan and Terence J Gioe

Chapter 16. Soft Tissue Issues: Exposure and Coverage, William J. Long and Fred D. Cushner

Chapter 17. Surgical Exposure in Total Knee Arthroplasty, Leo A. Whiteside

Chapter 18. Removal of Well Fixed Components during Revision Total Knee Arthroplasty, Jason Oliviero, William M. Mihalko, Quanjun Cui, Sean M. Jones-Quaidoo, Leo A. Whiteside, and James Rand, and Khaled J. Saleh

Chapter 19. Balancing the Revision TKA: Restraint with Constraint, Kelly G. Vince, Martin Bedard, and Ed Ebramzadeh

Chapter 20. Management of Bone Loss: Structural Grafts in Revision Total Knee Arthroplasty, Oleg Safir, Allan E. Gross, and David Backstein

Chapter 21. Addressing Ligament Deficiency in Revision TKA, Peter F. Sharkey and Omar Abdul-Hadi

Chapter 22. Adjunctive Fixation in TKA Revision: Stems and Sleeves, Bryan D. Springer

Chapter 23. Revision TKA Utilizing Mobile Bearing Technology, Jon E. Minter

Chapter 24. Patellar Revision/ Reconstruction,
Gregory K. Deirmengian and Craig L. Israelite

Part 4: Total Knee Complications and Potential Solutions

Chapter 25. The Infected Primary Total Knee Arthroplasty, William M. Mihalko, Abhijit Manaswi, Thomas Brown, Quanjun Cui, and Khaled J. Saleh

Chapter 26. Patellofemoral Maltracking: Identification and Solutions, Karen J. Boselli, Gwo-Chin Lee, and Jonathan P. Garino

Chapter 27. Extensor Mechanism Rupture, Carl A. Deirmengian and Jess H. Lonner

Chapter 28. The Stiff Total Knee Arthroplasty: Evaluation and Treatment, Gwo-Chin Lee and Norman A. Johanson

Chapter 29. Periprosthetic Fractures about Total Knee Replacements: Repair or Revise, Mohammed A. Khadder, Amir A. Jamali, and Paul E. Di Cesare

Chapter 30. Limb Salvage for Failed TKA: Arthrodesis and Beyond, David McQueen

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