Acknowledgments from the Editor (Margriet Bruijn Lacy) // Foreword (Charles Gehring, Jenneke Oosterhoff) // Charles L. Fisher: Archaeological Collections from New Netherland at the New York State Museum // Jeroen van den Hurk: Building a House in New Netherland: Documentary Sources for New Netherlandic Architecture, 1624-64 // Paul R. Huey: From Bird to Tippet: The Archaeology of Continuity and Change in Colonial Dutch Material Culture after 1664 // Diana diZerega Wall: Daniel Van Voorhis: A Dutch-American Artisan in Post-Colonial New York City // Nan A. Rothschild: Woman In Between: Alida Schuyler Livingston // Henry M. Miller: "To Serve the Countrey": Garrett Van Sweringen and the Dutch Influence in Early Maryland // David A. Furlow: The Enigmatic Isaac Allerton: A Mariner, Merchant, Burgher, Attorney, and Diplomat of New Netherland // Anne-Marie Cantwell: The Middle Ground That Once Lay "under the Blue Canopy of Heaven": The Munsee and the Dutch in the Seventeenth Century // Kees-Jan Waterman: Parameters of the Fur Trade in New Netherland: Eighteenth-Century Evidence? // Robert Naborn: Eilardus Westerlo on Hermanus Meijer's Call to Caughnawaga // Willem Frijhoff: Seventeenth-Century Religion as a Cultural Practice: Reassessing New Netherland's Religious History // Firth Haring Fabend: Impact of Revivalism on the Dutch Reformed Church in Nineteenth-Century New York and New Jersey // Frans R. E. Blom: Of Wedding and War. Henricus Selyns' Bridal Torch (1663). Analysis, Edition, and Translation of the Dutch Poem // Christine P. Sellin: The Old Testament's Virtuous Abraham as "Polygamist"? Theological, Literary, and Artistic Developments in Sixteenth- and Seventeenth-Century Netherlandish Culture // Natasha Seaman: Icon, Narrative, and Iconoclasm in Hendrick ter Brugghen's Crowning with Thorns // Margriet de Roever: Wishes for Good Fortune: Wineglasses Engraved with Toasts // Amy Golahny: The Rembrandt Year 2006 in Perspective // Julie Hochstrasser: Eye to Eye with the Dutch in America: Vermeer and the Visual Turn // Hans Krabbendam: Rituals of Travel in the Transition from Sail to Steam: The Dutch Immigrant Experience, 1840-1940 // Enne Koops: From "Floating Hollander" to "Flying Dutchman": The Changing Experience of Dutch Immigrants on the Transatlantic Voyage to North America, 1945-65 // Augustinus P. Dierick: Text and Subtext in Johan Huizinga's Writings on America // Jaap van Marle: Myths and Forgeries Relating to American "Low Dutch," with Special Reference to Walter Hill's Notebook // Elizabeth L. Bradley: Diedrich Knickerbocker and the Making of a Dutch Dynasty // Elisabeth Paling Funk: Kindred Spirits: Jacob Cats and Washington Irving // Jacqueline Bel: Changing Images. Walt Whitman in the Low Countries: Objective or Expressive Poetry? // Luc Renders: In Flanders' Fields: Postcolonialism, Multiculturalism and the Limits of Tolerance // Heilna du Plooy: The Legacy of Colonialism: Tweemaal Mariënburg by Cynthia Mc Leod // Paul R. Sellin: John Donne's "Fitter" Pillar: Sir John Wingfield at Cádiz // Matthieu Sergier: Where Evil Grows: The United States versus the Netherlands in Frans Kellendonk's Mystic Body (1986) // James A. Parente, Jr.: Imagining the Dutch Golden Age in Anglo-American Fiction
Bruijn Lacy / Gehring / Oosterhoff
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