José Ignacio Calvo Díez: BsC. Degree on Physics (Universidad de Valladolid) from 1988 Ph Degree on Physics (Universidad de Valladolid) from 1995. From 2018 nowadays Professor on Applied Physics, University of Valladolid Research: Membranes, Membrane Processes (Microfiltration, Ultrafiltration, Nanofiltration) Structural and Functional Characterisation of Membranes and Porous Materials Surface and Electrokinetic Properties of Porous Materials Use of membrane processes in the production of low alcoholic wines. Antonio Hernández Giménez: Research: Membrane processes including microfiltration, ultrafiltration, nanofiltration, reverse Osmosis, distillation in membranes and pervaporation and gas separation; Structural elucidation of porous materials and membranes; Surface properties of both inorganic and polymeric materials. Directed (some codirected) 36 projects: European, national, and regional since 1982.Publiished 203 articles (SCOPUS) in international scientific journals and 12 in national research magazines. Presented 230 communications to congresses, most of them have been international. Contributed to 29 international books one of them as editor and 17 national books. Directoe of the SMAP, Associated CSIC Unity, Excellence Research Group of the JCyL, Consolidated Research Group of Castile and Leon and Recognized Research Group (GIR) of the University of Valladolid. Member of the Institute of Sustainable Processes of the UVA (ISP).