Buch, Englisch, 240 Seiten
Buch, Englisch, 240 Seiten
ISBN: 978-94-035-3170-0
Verlag: Kluwer Law International
The Comparative Law Yearbook of International Business, published under the auspices of the Center for International Legal Studies, in this 43rd volume spans an arc of timely and challenging concerns for business law practitioners and academics alike. It discusses: - how arbitrability of intellectual property rights disputes might improve worldwide IPR enforcement;
- how the “disregard of legal entity” may be used to establish implied consent by a person or entity that is not a signatory to an arbitration agreement;
- how an effective cross-border insolvency framework under the Indian insolvency and bankruptcy code can borrow from the UNCITRAL Model Law’s and other jurisdictions’ approaches to the tension between “universality” and “territoriality”;
- how a promising new mediation act for Pakistan may help resolve a backlog of millions of cases in a jurisdiction with a patchwork of traditional and modern alternative dispute resolution mechanisms;
- how the European Union seeks to balance the taxation of digital services;
- how Brazil is addressing the taxation of offshore indirect transfers;
- how private equity capital structures in the unique market of professional sports create opportunities as well as risks;
- how Securities Market Regulation theory plays a role in the organization and development of active securities markets, particularly in emerging markets; and
- how non-signatories can be bound by arbitration agreements in Brazil through “disregard of legal entity” to ascertain implied consent.
The authors are practitioners and academics from Brazil, England, France, India, Pakistan, Singapore, the United States and Uzbekistan. They offer a broad and diverse perspective on some of today’s pressing business law issues in a shrinking world.