Caporale / Pavone / Ragionieri | International Food Law | Buch | 978-94-035-1761-2 |

Buch, Englisch, Band 40, 416 Seiten

Reihe: Energy and Environmental Law and Policy Series

Caporale / Pavone / Ragionieri

International Food Law

How Food Law can Balance Health, Environment and Animal Welfare

Buch, Englisch, Band 40, 416 Seiten

Reihe: Energy and Environmental Law and Policy Series

ISBN: 978-94-035-1761-2
Verlag: Kluwer Law International

estation, habitat destruction and zoonoses;
- food naming and labelling; and
- food risk management.
Throughout there is reference to an abundance of legislation, treaties, conventions, and case law at domestic, regional, and international levels, with particular attention to European, US, and World Trade Organization law and the work of the FAO. The book clearly demonstrates the necessity for reform of the global system of food production in the direction of a more sustainable and environment-friendly model. In its authoritative discussion of the relations among fields of law that are rarely discussed together – food law and the environment, food law and human rights, food law and animal welfare – this collection of chapters will prove a valuable resource both for officials working in food governance and security and for lawyers and scholars concerned with environmental management, sustainable development, and human rights around the world.
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