Geoffrey Care is the current Chairman of Eurasylum's International Advisory Board. He is the founder and, until 2003, the first President of the International Association of Refugee Law Judges (IARLJ), the main international organization in the field of asylum appeal law with a membership of over 300 judges in 53 countries. He is Deputy Chief Adjudicator and a former Chairman of the United Kingdom's Immigration Appeals Tribunal. Geoffrey Care has been an immigration judge in the UK for over 20 years, as well as on secondment by the UNHCR to South Africa. He is a former High Court Judge in Zambia and Head of the Department of Law at the University of Jos. He has also taught at several other universities, including the School of Oriental and African Studies (SOAS) of the University of London. He has conducted training sessions for asylum decision-makers in Europe and internationally, and he is the author of several publications on asylum law and policy.