Casti / Adobati / Negri | Mapping the Epidemic | Buch | 978-0-323-91061-3 |

Buch, Englisch, 252 Seiten, Format (B × H): 191 mm x 235 mm, Gewicht: 450 g

Casti / Adobati / Negri

Mapping the Epidemic

A Systemic Geography of COVID-19 in Italy

Buch, Englisch, 252 Seiten, Format (B × H): 191 mm x 235 mm, Gewicht: 450 g

ISBN: 978-0-323-91061-3
Verlag: William Andrew Publishing

Mapping the Epidemic: A Systemic Geography of COVID-19 in Italy provides a theoretical-methodological framework based on space-time analysis to map and interpret the set of factors that could have contributed to the spread of COVID-19, as well as a reflexive cartographic mapping visualizing the virus's dynamics. After an introduction that constitutes the theoretical anchor of the work carried out both with respect to territorial analysis and the use of reflexive cartography, the book discusses the role played by reflexive cartography in research on the COVID-19 pandemic conducted by an Italian university working group dealing with reticularity and the territorial fragilities that have influenced the spread. The data, subjected to analysis, are translated into reflexive cartography as a tool for restitution and investigation of the territorial dynamics. Each chapter consists of detailed information in which the European context of data analysis is illustrated, to then investigate the Italian territory and focus on the case of Lombardy and, in particular, of Bergamo as the epicenter. The book addresses the theoretical and methodological approaches of mapping the epidemic in Italy and the importance of cartography in the outbreak response, as well as including data accounting for contributing factors such as atmospheric pollution and infection rate, population distribution and major mobility corridors, and measures adopted to contain the outbreak, by implementing mapping at the regional Lombard, national, and European levels.

Mapping the Epidemic: A Systemic Geography of COVID-19 in Italy uses an interdisciplinary approach that highlights the key role of geography and cartography in providing usable data and conclusions on the virus outbreak and will be valuable for researchers and professionals in the fields of geography, GIS, and spatial mapping, as well as statisticians working on mapping outbreaks and epidemiological scientists needing mapping data on the virus.
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Weitere Infos & Material

1. The COVID-19 epidemic in Italy: The role played by reflexive cartography in the European epicenter 2. Reflexive mapping and territorial analysis on COVID-19 infection 3. Reticularity.and Territorial Fragility 4. Population and Contagion Dissemination 5. Mortality and Infection Severity 6. Pollution and Contagion Rate 7. Commuting and Urban Clusters in Lombardy 8. Containment Policies

Casti, Emanuela
Emanuela Casti is full professor of Geography at the University of Bergamo where she directs the CST-Centro Studi sul Territorio, is responsible of the DiathesisLab ( and is President of the MA in Geourbanistica. Considered and innovator in cartographic theories studies, she has formalize a semiotic theory that investigates the relationship between cartography and geography, extending it to the new systems of cybercartography in the book of theory Reflexive Cartography published in the Modern Cartography Series by Elsevier. Her researches concern the historical context (the prehistoric cartography in Valcamonica, the renaissance and modern cartography of Venice, the Italian and French colonial cartography in Africa) as well as the contemporary one: mapping of movement, of conservation (;, for the governance (;, and the regeneration of urban peripheries ( She has published more that a hundred of essays, among which the books: Reality as representation. The semiotics of cartography and the generation of meaning (Bergamo University Press, 2000); Reflexive Cartography. A New Perspective on Mapping (Elsevier, 2015).

Negri, Ilia
Ilia Negri graduated in Mathematics at the University of Milan, PhD in Methodological Statistics at the University of Trento and PhD in Mathématique (option Statistique) at L'Université du Maine (France). Today her research focuses mainly on Stochastic Differential Equations, empirical processes, non-parametric inference for diffusion processes. Recently she has also dealt with environmental issues (placement of measures) and the social sphere (changes in the structure of families).

Adobati, Fulvio
Fulvio Adobati is a Researcher in Urban Planning at the Department of Engineering and Applied Sciences of the University of Bergamo. He carries out research, study and territorial planning activities at the "Lelio Pagani" Center for Territorial Studies. he is a holder of the Integrated Course of Architectural Design-Architectural and Urban Composition at the Degree Course in Building Engineering, of the Course of Territorial Cultures and Policies at the Degree Course in Letters-Culture and Territorial Analysis, of the Spatial Dimension of Urban Planning course at the master's degree course in Geourbanistics.

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