Centre d'Etude et de Recherche de Droit

Les aspects internationaux des catastrophes naturelles et industrielles 1995 / 1995 The International Aspects of Natural and Industrial Catastrophes

The Centre for Studies and Research in International Law and International Relations froms part of the Hague Academy of International Law, and operates under the authority of its managing board and within the framework of its teaching.

The Centre was established to further in-depth research in the area of international law. The topic for 1995 was The International Aspects of Natural and Industrial Catastrophes/ Les aspects internationaux des catastrophes naturelles et industrielles.

Centre d'Etude et de Recherche de Droit Les aspects internationaux des catastrophes naturelles et industrielles 1995 / 1995 The International Aspects of Natural and Industrial Catastrophes jetzt bestellen!


Weitere Infos & Material

Introduction. 1. Notion et classification des catastrophes. 1.1. La notion de catastrophe élaborée par le groupe de recherche. Conclusion sur la classification des catastrophes: la causalité complexe. 2. Principes élémentaires d'un droit des catastrophes. 2.1. Le risque catastrophique et les règles en matière de prévention. 2.2. L'événement catastrophique et les règles en matière de co-opération internationale pour l'aide aux Etats et aux personnes victimes de catastrophes. 2.3. L'événement catastrophique et l'indemnisation des victimes de catastrophes. Conclusion. The Present State of Research Carried out by the English-Speaking Section. Introduction. Part I. Catastrophes: of Knowledge and Expectations. Part II. Objectives: Of States and People. Part III. Response: of Obligations and Institutions. A. Institutions. B. Prevention of the Catastrophic Event. C. Prevention of the Extent of Harm Likely to Follow a Catastrophic Event. D. Response to a Catastrophic Event. E. Compensation and Restoration: The Aftermath of Catastrophe. F. Summary - Types of Catastrophes and Functional Initiatives. Part IV. Assessment: Of Action Plans and Research Agendas. A. Of Fragmentation and Law Making. B. Of Self-Interest and the Normative Hesitancy Regarding Solidarity. Conclusion.

Co-publication with: The Hague Academy of International Law.

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