Chaitow | Positional Release Techniques | Buch | 978-0-7020-5111-1 |

Buch, Englisch, 272 Seiten, Hardback and Internet Resource, Format (B × H): 189 mm x 246 mm, Gewicht: 1440 g


Positional Release Techniques

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Buch, Englisch, 272 Seiten, Hardback and Internet Resource, Format (B × H): 189 mm x 246 mm, Gewicht: 1440 g

ISBN: 978-0-7020-5111-1
Verlag: Churchill Livingstone

Positional Release Techniques continues to be the go-to resource for those who want to easily learn and confidently use this manual approach to safely manage pain and dysfunction in humans (and animals). As well as a structural revision, the fourth edition now includes new illustrations and chapters with videos and an image bank on a companion website to reinforce knowledge.

At its core, the book explores the principles and modalities of the different forms of positional release techniques and their application which range from the original strain/counterstrain method to various applications in physical therapy, such as McKenzie's exercise protocols and kinesio-taping methods that 'unload' tissues. These methods are traced from their historical roots up to their current practice with a showcase of emerging research and evidence.

In addition to a series of problem-solving clinical descriptions supported by photos of assessment and treatment methods, learning is further boosted by practical exercises which examine PRT methodology and the mechanics of their use.
- Emphasises safety and usefulness in both acute and chronic settings
- Comprehensive coverage of all methods of spontaneous release by positioning
- Easy to follow and extensively illustrated
- Balanced synopsis of concepts and clinical-approach models throughout
- Revised content structure
- New chapters including: - Strain/counterstrain research
- Positional release and fascia
- Balanced ligamentous tension techniques
- Visceral positional release: the counterstrain model

- Redrawn and new artwork
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<p>All those professionals who have an interest in human movement: physiotherapists, osteopathic physicians and osteopaths, chiropractors, manual therapists, massage therapists and personal trainers.</p>


Weitere Infos & Material

Contributors Foreword Preface to the third edition Preface Acknowledgements Abbreviations

1. Spontaneous release by positioning

2. Somatic dysfunction and positional release

3. Strain/counterstrain research Christopher Kevin Wong

4. Counterstrain models of positional release

5. Functional and facilitated positional release approaches, including cranial methods

6. Positional release methods in special situations

7. Positional release and fascia

8. Balanced ligamentous tension techniques Raymond J. Hruby

9. Visceral positional release: the counterstrain model Edward Goering

10. Overview of the McKenzie method Anthony J. Lisi

11. 'Offloading' taping to reduce pain and facilitate movement Dylan Morrissey

12. Application of positional techniques in the treatment of animals J. Brooks and ?A. G. Pusey

Chaitow, Leon
Leon Chaitow ND DO is an internationally known and respected osteopathic and naturopathic practitioner and teacher of soft tissue manipulation methods of treatment. He is author of over 60 books, including a series on Advanced Soft Tissue Manipulation (Muscle Energy Techniques, Positional Release Techniques, Modern Neuromuscular Techniques) and also Palpation Skills; Cranial
Manipulation: Theory and Practice; Fibromyalgia Syndrome: A Practitioner's Guide to Treatment, and many more. He is editor of the peer reviewed Journal of Bodywork and Movement Therapies, that offers a multidisciplinary perspective on physical methods of patient care. Leon Chaitow was for many years senior lecturer on the Therapeutic Bodywork degree courses which he helped to design at the School of Integrated Health, University of Westminster, London, where is he now an Honorary Fellow. He continues to teach and practice part-time in London, when not in Corfu, Greece where he focuses on his writing.

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