Chakrabarty | Theoretical Basis for Advanced Practice Nursing | Buch | 978-81-312-5647-3 |

Buch, Englisch, 208 Seiten, Format (B × H): 152 mm x 229 mm


Theoretical Basis for Advanced Practice Nursing

Buch, Englisch, 208 Seiten, Format (B × H): 152 mm x 229 mm

ISBN: 978-81-312-5647-3
Verlag: Elsevier India

This book provides the various concepts of advanced practice nursing and factors related to it as examined by the author for graduate and postgraduate nursing students. The book is divided into three sections: the first section describes India's health system, healthcare challenges, and trends. The challenges and trends are discussed in comparison with other countries worldwide. The second section focuses on the description of advanced practice nursing in general and the nurse practitioner in particular. This section also discusses the training requirements for nurse practitioner in critical care (NPCC) in India and the future challenges likely to be faced by them. The third section provides details about clinical competencies, leadership qualities, and the importance of research and evidence-based practice (EBP) for NPCC.
Learning activities are provided in a few chapters to encourage students for further reading. Sample health assessment format is given for the students to follow in their day-to-day practice as well as a few clinical scenarios are provided for discussion. Different EBP resources for nurse practitioners are also offered which will be beneficial for nursing students as well as students from other healthcare disciplines. - First Indian textbook that is specific to NPCC course
- Fully compliant with the Advanced Nursing Practice (ANP) syllabus prescribed by Indian Nursing Council (INC)
- Provides an overview of the entire syllabus for theoretical basis for advanced practice nursing for nurse practitioners in critical care in India
- Contains a separate elaborately presented section addressing the competencies of Nurse Practitioner in Critical Care
- Content richly supplemented with relevant figures and tables
- Chapters are presented in a short and summarized manner for the easy understanding of the students
- Includes examples of global frameworks for guiding advanced nursing practice
- Content relevant for postgraduate and undergraduate students also
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Weitere Infos & Material

PART 1 Health Care Challenges-Global and National

Chapter 1. Global healthcare challenges and trends

Chapter 2. Healthcare delivery system in India

Chapter 3. National health planning-impact of healthcare and education policies on nursing health planning in India

Chapter 4. Economic principles in critical care: Health economics and healthcare financing

Chapter 5. Nursing informatics for nurse practitioners

PART 2 Nurse Practitioner in Critical Care

Chapter 6. Scope of nurse practitioner in critical care

Chapter 7. Roles and responsibilities of nurse practitioner in critical care

Chapter 8. Regulations for nurse practitioner in critical care in India

Chapter 9. Ethical principles in critical care

Chapter 10. Preceptorship

Chapter 11. Challenges of nurse practitioner in critical care

Chapter 12. Theories and nursing process

PART 3 Competencies of Nurse Practitioner in Critical Care

Chapter 13. Direct clinical practice

Chapter 14. Leadership and management competencies

Chapter 15. Evidence-based practice and research

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