Innovation and Sustainable Technology in Road and Airfield Pavement
Erscheinungsjahr 2013
ISBN: 978-3-03785-740-3
Verlag: Trans Tech Publications
Selected, peer reviewed papers from the 8th International Conference on Road and Airfield Pavement Technology (8th ICPT), July 14-18, 2013, Taipei, Taiwan
Buch, Englisch, 1130 Seiten, Format (B × H): 170 mm x 240 mm, Gewicht: 2100 g
ISBN: 978-3-03785-740-3
Verlag: Trans Tech Publications
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Preface, Committees and Sponsors
Chapter 1: Pavement Design, Evaluation and Performance
A Comparison between Austroads Pavement Structural Design and AASHTO Design in Flexible Pavement
A Comparison between Effects of Linear and Non-Linear Mechanistic Behaviour of Materials on the Layered Flexible Pavement Response
Analysis of Performance Decay Behavior for Asphalt Pavement Based on Aging
Applied Non-Destructive Tests to Synthetically Investigate the Bearing Capacity Loss of Pavement
Assessing the Quality of Asphalt Concrete Pavement at Special Location with Infrared Thermal Imager
Design and Evaluation of Ultra Thin Friction Courses Asphalt Mixture Modified by Polyolefin
Development of Mode-Wise Noise Prediction Models for the Noise Generated Due to Tyre-Pavement Surface Interaction
Eight Kind of Typical Asphalt Pavement's Applicability Research for Northern Warm Zone Continental Climate Regions
Evaluating Structural Response of Flexible Pavement Based on Field Instrumentation
Evaluation and Validation of Characterization Methods for Fatigue Performance of Asphalt Mixes for Western Australia
Experience of Establishing Safe and Accessible Sidewalk for Pedestrians in Taiwan
Explore Important Variables Influence the Safety and Accessibility of Sidewalk Using the Structural Equation Model (SEM)
Finite-Element Analysis of Effect of Wide-Base Tire on Tire-Pavement Noise
Fundamental Study of Traffic Noise Characteristic due to Change Transverse Rumble Strip Shape
Investigation on Adjustment Factor of AASHTO Subgrade Resilient Modulus Prediction
Laboratory Investigation of Asphalt Pavements with Low Density and Recommendations to Prevent Density Deficiency
Performance Changing Regularity of No.70 Road Asphalt with Different Aging Time
PFWD's Application in the Evaluation of Structural Strength of Field Hot Regeneration Asphalt Pavement
Preliminary Evaluation of Field Aging Characteristic of Warm Mix Asphalt
Research of Water Damage Resistance Performance of CAM in Low Temperature Condition
Research of Zero Stress Temperature Gradient in Cement Concrete Pavement
Research on a New Method of Evaluating Compaction of Pavement
Research on the Delimitation Criterion of Long Sustained Slope Sections Based on Permanent Deformation of Asphalt Pavement
Research on the Method of Dynamic Speed Limit on Expressway under Complex Climate Based on Pavement Skid-Resistant Performance
Static and Dynamic Backcalculation Analyses of an Inverted Pavement Structure
Structural Response Analysis of Highways under Heavy Loads
Study on Basic Characteristics and Design Method of Concrete Strip Roads
Subgrade Dynamic Backcalculation Based on PFWD
The Effects on Pavement Performance of AC-20 Asphalt Mixture Addicted with Polyester Fiber or Anti-Rut Agent
The Research on the Interface Performance of Deck of Cement Concrete Bridge and Asphalt Pavement
Three-Dimensional Finite Element Analysis of Doweled Joints in Concrete Pavements
Chapter 2: Pavement Materials
Analysis of Whole Weathered Granite Improved Soil Subgrade Dynamic Response
Correlating the Dynamic Modulus and the Indirect Tensile Strength of Asphalt Concrete
Differences in Fatigue Behavior among the Gussasphalt, SMA and AC
Dynamic Properties to Evaluate Moisture Sensitivity of Asphalt Mixtures
Effect of Aging on Resilient Modulus of Hot Mix Asphalt Mixtures
Effect of the Combination of Calcined Shale and Pozzolanic Materials on Compressive Strength of Concrete
Electrical, Thermal and Induction Heating Properties of Dense Asphalt Concrete
Evaluating the Properties of Bitumen Stabilized with Carbon Nanotubes
Evaluation of Polymer-Modified Warm-Mix Asphalt Used for Gobi Road
Evaluation the Use of Tailings as a Filler in Asphalt Concrete - Wearing Course Based on Results of Laboratory Tests to the Indonesian Specification for Hot-Mix Asphalt Year 2010
Experimental Fracture Toughness Study for some Modified Asphalt Mixtures
Experimental Investigation on Properties of High Performance Concrete with Mineral Admixtures in Pavement of Highway
Experimental Study of Performance of Asphalt Mixture under Freeze-Thaw Circle Test
High-Strength High-Porosity Pervious Concrete Pavement
Indirect Tensile Strength of Concrete Containing Reclaimed Asphalt Pavement Using the Superpave Indirect Tensile Test
Influence Factors and Prediction Model of Viscosity for Crumb Rubber Modified Asphalt
Interlayer Shear Testing under Combined State of Stress
Investigation on Adhesive Behavior between Binder and Aggregate by Vialit Test under Low Temperature
Lab Evaluation of French High Modulus Asphalt Mixture (EME2) and Preliminary Recommendation of its Application in China
Laboratory Analysis for Investigating the Impact of Compaction on the Properties of Pervious Concrete Mixtures for Road Pavements
Measurement of Viscosity Using a Long-Period Fiber-Grating-Based Viscometer
Non-Destructive Evaluation of Engineering Properties of Asphalt Mixtures
Pavement Materials Characterization of Hot-Mix Asphalt Mixes in Western Australia
Performance Assessment of Asphalt Mixtures Using Frequency Sweep Test at Constant Height and Hamburg Wheel-Tracking Device
Performance of Steel Fiber Concrete as Rigid Pavement
Phased Evaluation Theory and Study on Adhesion between Asphalt and Stone Based on Surface Energy Theory
Properties of Cement Asphalt Emulsion Mortar for Pavement
Properties of Cement-Based Materials Containing Crystalline Sealer
Research on Interaction between Asphalt and Filler Based on DSR Test
Research on the Cement Stable Powder and Mixed with Crushed Stone
Resistance to Permanent Deformation of Road and Airport High Performance Asphalt Concrete Base Courses
Stiffening of the Cement Paste Monitored Using Vibrating Fork Technique
Strength and Freeze-Thaw Testing of Lightweight Aggregate Concretes
Study of Concrete Strength Prediction Using Warm Water Curing
Study on Performance of Normal and Compaction-Free Porous Concrete Permeable Base
Temperature Effects on Soil Suction for Compacted Clay Soils
Use of Reservoir Siltation as CLSM for Subgrade Constructions
Utilization of Buton Natural Rock Asphalt as Additive of Bitumen Binder in Hot Mix Asphalt Mixtures
Viscoelastic Properties of Field-Aged Cores
Chapter 3: Sustainability in Pavement Engineering
A Review of Harvesting Green Energy from Road
A Sensitivity Study of RAP Cost and Performance on its Life Cycle Benefits
Aging Behavior of SBS Modified Asphalt in Coupled Water – Heat Condition
Alkali-Activated EAF Reducing Slag as Binder for Concrete
Characteristics of Compressed Concrete Paving Units Produced from Washed Municipal Solid Waste Incinerator Bottom Ash
Comparative Study of Solar Panels for Roadway Operations
Development of Green Paving Technology for Urban Roads
Effectiveness of Steam Treating Method on Inhibiting the Expansive Problem of Concrete with Slag as Aggregate
Impaction of Climate Change on Asphalt Pavements
Investigation on Blending CFB Ash with Blast Furnace Slag as Replacement for Portland Cement Used in Concrete Binders
Keeping the Asphalt in the Road - Experiences from Different Asphalt Recycling Technologies
Lowering the Asphalt Production Temperature - Foam Asphalt Allows Greener Roads
Performance Evaluation of Recycled SMA Mixtures with Warm-Mix Agent
Settlement Isolation Susceptibility due to Heavy Rain Caused Road Closure
Study on the Recycling Method for Drainage Asphalt Pavement and Evaluation for its Durability
The Applicability of Estimated Equations of Recycling Agents on the Viscosity Variety of Aged Asphalt Binders
The Impact of Different Types of Permeable Pavement Utilization on Air Temperature above the Pavement
The Investigation of Colored Normal-Temperature Asphalt Concrete
The Preliminary Study on Re-Utilization of Ferrous-Nickel Slag to Replace Conventional Construction Material for Road Construction (Sub-Grade Layer Improvement)
The Research of the Feasibility of Using Reclaimed Asphalt Pavement as a Material for Regenerated Low-Density Pervious Concrete
The Study of Pavement Surface Temperature Behavior of Different Permeable Pavement Materials during Summer Time
Chapter 4: Pavement Maintenance, Rehabilitation, and Preservation
A Performance-Specified and Reliability-Based Approach for Life-Cycle Cost Analysis of Long Term Pavement Maintenance Contracts
Cracks Resisting Mechanism Analysis of Large Stone Mixture Base Based on Mechanics Calculations
Evaluation of Permanent Deformation Models in Asphalt Mixture Overlays for Hot Climates
Field Evaluation of Surface Treatments on Existing Asphalt Pavement in National Highway
Quantifying Overall Performance of Highway Design, Construction, and M&R Practices Using ECC & ASL
The Interface Bonding Performance Experiment Analysis of Slag Base Cement Concrete Pavement Repair Material
Chapter 5: Pavement Management Systems
A Review of PMS Treatment Selection Techniques with Comparative Analysis with QTMR Technique
A Study on Incorporating the Tabular CUSUM and Shewhart Control Chart to Monitor Road Surface Quality
Analyses of Asphalt Pavement Distresses Using Formal Concept Analysis (FCA)
Analyzing Bidding Strategy for Pavement Engineering with Multi-Criteria Decision-Making
Apply De Novo Programming in Pavement Maintenance Strategy Optimization
Applying a Spatiotemporal Object Database to an Urban Pavement Management System
Development of Pavement Condition Rating Model and Pavement Roughness Model for Saudi Highways
Establishment of Pavement Information Decision Management Platform via Cloud Computing Technology
Evaluation of Effects of Priority Preferences on Optimal Resource Allocation in Pavement Management
Experimental Investigation on Road Marking Distress Evolution: Beyond Testing, Quality Assurance and Maintenance Improvement
International Roughness Index Prediction for Rigid Pavements: An Artificial Neural Network Application
Performance of Maintenance and Management for Roads in HsinChu County, Taiwan
Preliminary Analysis of AASHO Road Test Rigid Pavement Data Using Modern Regression Techniques
Preliminary Study of Radio Frequency Identification on Underground Manhole's Surveys
Road Construction Project Environmental Impact Assessment Scope Definition Using Project Definition Rating Index (PDRI)
Study of Utilizing the Asset Management System into Asphalt Pavement Maintenance of Freeway
Taipei City Smooth Pavement (Luping) Project
The Applicability Compare of Pavement Smoothness Instruments and the Exploration of the Specifications
The Application for the Virtual Reality in the Pavement Engineering
The Study of HDM-4 Applied in Taiwan Area National Freeway Maintenance and Management
Threshold-Based Maintenance Optimization for Pavement Infrastructure Using Hybrid Dynamic Modeling
Chapter 6: Construction and Transportation Engineering
An Evaluation of Highway Work Zone Impact Factors on Driving Safety Using Complicated Indexes Based on Traffic Simulation System
Bidding Decision Model Based on Prospect Theory and Game Theory
Characteristics of Jointed Plain Concrete Pavement (JPCP) Built-in Temperature in Different Climate Conditions
Green Urban Public Bikes Rental System: A Case Study of Taipei YouBike
Modeling the Relationships of Factors Affecting Dissemination of Ground Source Heat Pump (GSHP) in China
Stabilization of Artificial Organic Soil at Room Temperature Using Blended Lime Zeolite
Study on the Application of a Verification System Implementation Mode in Asphalt Concrete Batching Plants
Chapter 7: Airfield Pavement
Airport Pavement Groove Identification and Analysis at NAPTF
An Innovative Paver System for Aircraft Pavements
Cyclic Approach to Airport Pavement Management Based on Non-Destructive Deflection Testing
Economic Effects of Short-Term Close for Small Airports in China — Case Study on Weihai International Airport
Performance and Utilization of Recycled Aggregates for Airport Cement Concrete Pavement
Runway Pavement Reconstruction with Full Material Recycling: The Case of the Airport of Treviso
SMA Pitch Used in a Surface of Airport to Build the Maintenance Strategy - Airport Practice Discussion of Cross-Strait
Soil Stabilization for the Building of Unpaved Runways
The Impact Study of the Resistance to Ultraviolet Radiation Aging Agent on the Airport Road Surface Performance with the Modified Asphalt
The Research on the Index of High Temperature Performance of Asphalt Mixture in Airfield
Use of High Percentage of Recycled Concrete Aggregate in Aircraft Stand Rigid Pavement