Chapman | International Handbook of Mathematics Teacher Education (2nd Edition) PB Set: Volumes 1-4 | Buch | 978-90-04-43862-0 |



International Handbook of Mathematics Teacher Education (2nd Edition) PB Set: Volumes 1-4

Erscheinungsjahr 2020
ISBN: 978-90-04-43862-0
Verlag: Brill Academic Publishers


ISBN: 978-90-04-43862-0
Verlag: Brill Academic Publishers

This second edition of the International Handbook of Mathematics Teacher Education builds on and extends the first edition (2008) in addressing the knowledge, teaching and learning of mathematics teachers at all levels of teaching mathematics and of mathematics teacher educators, and the approaches/activities and programmes through which their learning can be supported. It consists of four volumes based on the same themes as the first edition.


Knowledge, Beliefs, and Identity in Mathematics Teaching and Teaching Development

Despina Potari, National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, Athens, Greece and Olive Chapman, University of Calgary, Calgary, Canada (eds.)

This volume addresses the “what” of mathematics teacher education. Authors attend to knowledge for mathematics teaching, teaching development, teacher beliefs and identity, and relationships among them. As well as synthesizing research and practice over various dimensions of these areas of teacher education, the volume offers valuable insights on best practice for teacher educators and researchers, university decision makers, and those involved in systemic policy development on teacher education.

paperback: 978-90-04-41886-8, hardback: 978-90-04-41885-1, ebook: 978-90-04-41887-5


Tools and Processes in Mathematics Teacher Education

Salvador Llinares, University of Alicante, Alicante, Spain and Olive Chapman, University of Calgary, Calgary, Canada (eds.)

This volume addresses the “how” of mathematics teacher education. Authors share their invaluable experience in employing different tools from a variety of perspectives in mathematics teacher education. This accumulated experience will assist teacher educators, researchers in mathematics education and those involved in policy decisions on teacher education and professional development in making decisions about both the tools and the processes to be used for various purposes in mathematics teacher education.

paperback: 978-90-04-41897-4, hardback: 978-90-04-41895-0,ebook: 978-90-04-41896-7


Participants in Mathematics Teacher Education

Gwendolyn M. Lloyd, Pennsylvania State University, Pennsylvania, USA and Olive Chapman, University of Calgary, Calgary, Canada (eds.)

This volume addresses the “who” of mathematics teacher education. Authors focus on the development of participants in mathematics teacher education through diverse professional learning opportunities in schools, universities, and community settings. They consider prospective and practising teachers as well as teacher educators and researchers as learners and explore how particular collaborations and contexts offer support for participants’ learning. The volume offers valuable insights into how these participants work together within and across boundaries and contexts for mathematics teacher education to generate rich opportunities for professional development.

paperback: 978-90-04-41922-3, hardback: 978-90-04-41921-6, ebook: 978-90-04-41923-0


The Mathematics Teacher Educator as a Developing Professional

Kim Beswick, University of New South Wales, Sydney, Australia and Olive Chapman, University of Calgary, Calgary, Canada (eds.)

This volume addresses the “what”, “how” and “who” of mathematics teacher educator education. Authors attend to knowledge, learning, and roles of teacher educators working with teachers in teacher education processes and practices. They share practical, professional and theoretical perspectives of different approaches/activities and programmes that can support mathematics teacher educator learning to promote effective teacher education practice, with valuable implications for future research.

paperback: 978-90-04-42420-3, hardback: 978-90-04-42419-7, ebook: 978-90-04-42421-0

Chapman International Handbook of Mathematics Teacher Education (2nd Edition) PB Set: Volumes 1-4 jetzt bestellen!


Weitere Infos & Material

Olive Chapman is Professor of Mathematics Education at the University of Calgary, Canada. She served as editor-in-chief of the Journal of Mathematics Teacher Education and a member of the Board of Directors of the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics.

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