Charting Churches in a Changing Europe | Buch | 978-90-420-2009-2 |

Buch, Englisch, Band 28, 222 Seiten, Format (B × H): 150 mm x 220 mm, Gewicht: 372 g

Reihe: Currents of Encounter

Charting Churches in a Changing Europe

<i>Charta Oecumenica</i> and the Process of Ecumenical Encounter

Buch, Englisch, Band 28, 222 Seiten, Format (B × H): 150 mm x 220 mm, Gewicht: 372 g

Reihe: Currents of Encounter

ISBN: 978-90-420-2009-2
Verlag: Brill | Rodopi

The countries of Europe are seeking to redefine themselves, both individually and in relation to each other. This volume examines the role of the Christian churches at various levels of that process. The Charta Oecumenica, a ground-breaking document from the Conference of Churches in Europe and the Council of European Bishops’ Conferences, aimed to set forth the ecumenical response of the European Christian Churches to the living out of faith in today’s world. Four theologians, Protestant, Roman Catholic, Orthodox and Lutheran, respond to this document, assessing its strengths and the areas where further development is required. At least implicitly this discussion raises questions about the nature of catholicity and communion, a topic the following four essays address. What is catholicity, what happens when there is too strong an emphasis on the national church, and are there models of gradual church communion to which the churches could assent? Gradual communion sets out to attain full, including sacramental, unity and the final two essays explore how sacramental theology might assist in this process.
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Weitere Infos & Material

Martien E. BRINKMAN: General Introduction En Route to Koinonia: Church Communion in Transition
Part I: Confessional Responses to the Charta Oecumenica
Kajsa AHLSTRAND: The Significance of the Charta Oecumenica Today: Critical Comments from a Protestant Perspective
Peter de MEY: An Assessment of the Charta Oecumenica from a Roman Catholic Perspective
Dorin OANCEA: Church Communion and the Reception of Ecumenical Dialogues: An Orthodox Perspective
Oliver SCHUEGRAF: Enough is Enough? Preconditions for Church Communion from a Lutheran Perspective
Part II: Notions of Catholicity and Communion
Martien E. BRINKMAN: The Modern Inculturation Debate and the Catholicity of the Church
Anton HOUTEPEN: The Catholicity of the Church: A Matrix of Faith and Life in View of God’s Final Kingdom
Eddy van der BORGHT: Uniting Europe as a Challenge to the Future of National Churches
Johannes OELDEMANN: Gradual Church Communion as an Ecumenical Model? Some Remarks from a Roman Catholic Perspective
Part III: The Sacramental Road to Unity
Maria Clara Lucchetti BINGEMER: The Roman Catholic Understanding of Sacramentality and Its Potential for Church Unity
Ivana NOBLE: From the Sacramentality of the Church to the Sacramentality of the World
Bernd Jochen HILBERATH: Epilogue
Appendix: Text of Charta Oecumenica

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