Chatziefstathiou / Müller | Olympism, Olympic Education and Learning Legacies | Buch | 978-1-4438-5403-0 |

Buch, Englisch, 318 Seiten

Chatziefstathiou / Müller

Olympism, Olympic Education and Learning Legacies

Buch, Englisch, 318 Seiten

ISBN: 978-1-4438-5403-0
Verlag: Cambridge Scholars Publishing

This book is largely a collection of the papers presented at the symposium Olympism, Olympic Education and Learning Legacies, organised by the Comité Internationale Pierre de Coubertin (CIPC). It was held during the London 2012 Olympic and Paralympic Games at Canterbury Christ Church University in Kent, United Kingdom. The symposium drew together presenters and audience members from twenty-five nations on four continents to discuss current and future challenges of education and the Olympic Movement.

While most books on the Olympics focus on economic issues or on aspects related to the management of the Games (such as legacies and impacts), this book remains faithful to Coubertin’s original vision about youth, sport and education. Olympism as a philosophical and educational idea is analysed in particular detail. Coubertin’s thoughts play a central role in many of the contributions of leading academics in the field, while historical perspectives unveil new insights. Young researchers are given a platform to publish their own accounts in interpreting the Olympics. The different insights of the book have something to offer to anyone with an interest in sport, education, and the Olympic Movement, either as a student, teacher, academic, athlete, coach or spectator.
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Dikaia Chatziefstathiou is a Reader in Olympic Studies and the Social Analysis of Sport at Canterbury Christ Church University, in Kent, UK. She is the winner of the inaugural Coubertin Prize awarded by the International Pierre de Coubertin Committee (CIPC) and the International Olympic Committee in 2008. She has been a Member of the CIPC Executive Board since then. She is an expert on Olympism, Olympic values and Olympic education. She currently holds an Intra-European Marie Curie Fellowship awarded by the European Committee to research the impact of mega-events on social capital in Greece. She is the co-author, with Professor Ian Henry, of Discourses of Olympism: From the Sorbonne 1894 to London 2012, published by Palgrave in 2012, and has co-edited two further books.

Norbert Müller, PhD, is Senior Professor at Kaiserslautern University (TU), having previously served as Professor of Sport Sciences at Mainz University from 1976–2012, where he focused particularly on Sport History and Olympic Studies. He has also been President of the International Pierre de Coubertin Committee (CIPC) since 2002 and the Vice-President of the International Fair Play Committee since 1998, and served as a Member of the IOC Reform Commission in 1999. He is the author of several books and articles on sport- and Olympic history, Olympism, and Olympic education, and is the editor of Coubertin Writings on Olympism, in French (1986), English (2000), Chinese (2008), Spanish (2012), and the co-editor with Professor Otto Schantz, of the Complete Works of Pierre de Coubertin on DVD.

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