Cherifi | Complex Networks and their Applications | Buch | 978-1-4438-5370-5 |

Buch, Englisch, 355 Seiten


Complex Networks and their Applications

Buch, Englisch, 355 Seiten

ISBN: 978-1-4438-5370-5
Verlag: Cambridge Scholars Publishing

Fuelled by the big data paradigm, the study of networks is an interdisciplinary field that is growing at the interface of many branches of science including mathematics, physics, computer science, biology, economics and the social sciences. This book, written by experts from the Network Science community, covers a wide range of theoretical and practical advances in this highly active field, highlighting the strong interconnections between works in different disciplines. The eleven chapters take the reader through the essential concepts for the structural analysis of networks, and their applications to real-world scenarios. Being self-contained, the book is intended for researchers, graduate and advanced undergraduate students from different intellectual backgrounds. Each chapter combines mathematical rigour with rich references to the literature, while remaining accessible to a wide range of readers who wish to understand some of the key issues encountered in many aspects of networked everyday life.
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Cherifi, Hocine
Hocine Cherifi has been Professor of Computer Science at the University of Burgundy, France, since 1999. Prior to moving to Dijon, he held faculty positions at Rouen University and Jean Monnet University, in the disciplines of Signal Processing and Mathematics. He has held visiting positions at Yonsei, Korea, University of Western Australia, Australia, National Pintung University, Taiwan, and Galatasaray University, Turkey. He has been elected to a variety of leadership positions in the French Classification Society. He has been an Associate Editor of a variety of image processing and computer vision journals. More recently, he joined the editorial board of the Computational Social Networks Journal published by Springer. He received a PhD in Signal Processing from the Grenoble Institute of Technology, France in 1984. His research focuses on the fields of computer vision and complex networks.

Hocine Cherifi has been Professor of Computer Science at the University of Burgundy, France, since 1999. Prior to moving to Dijon, he held faculty positions at Rouen University and Jean Monnet University, in the disciplines of Signal Processing and Mathematics. He has held visiting positions at Yonsei, Korea, University of Western Australia, Australia, National Pintung University, Taiwan, and Galatasaray University, Turkey. He has been elected to a variety of leadership positions in the French Classification Society. He has been an Associate Editor of a variety of image processing and computer vision journals. More recently, he joined the editorial board of the Computational Social Networks Journal published by Springer. He received a PhD in Signal Processing from the Grenoble Institute of Technology, France in 1984. His research focuses on the fields of computer vision and complex networks.

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