<strong>Bryan Christiansen</strong> has been the Chairman of PryMarke, LLC since 2004, a Business Analytics and Management Consultancy in Michigan, USA. He has also been an Adjunct Business Professor since 2003 at Capella University and Ellis University (formerly Ellis College of New York Institute of Technology) in the USA and Gumushane University in Turkey. Born in Washington, DC and raised in Asia, Bryan is fluent in Chinese, Japanese, Spanish, and Turkish and has traveled to 38 countries during his 27-year business career with Global 500 firms and smaller. Bryan is an avid writer on business and education subjects and is currently based in Istanbul, Turkey where he is doing research for future books on these topics. Bryan holds a Bachelor’s degree in Marketing from the University of the State of New York and an MBA degree from Capella University. He will complete his Doctor of Business Administration (DBA) degree in International Business at Walden University in 2013.