Clark / Mokhtari / Henriss-Anderssen | Testimony, Witness, Authority | Buch | 978-1-4438-4918-0 |

Buch, Englisch, 233 Seiten

Clark / Mokhtari / Henriss-Anderssen

Testimony, Witness, Authority

The Politics and Poetics of Experience

Buch, Englisch, 233 Seiten

ISBN: 978-1-4438-4918-0
Verlag: Cambridge Scholars Publishing

What does it mean to listen faithfully to how stories are told through a web of verbal and near-verbal media? How do dynamics of testimony, witness, and authority work to determine the politics and poetics of human experience? This collection of essays addresses fundamental problems that confront creative practitioners, researchers, educators, and graduate and undergraduate students working on questions about expressive communication across the Humanities, Creative Arts, and Social Sciences. It is an international interdisciplinary examination of the interaction between verbal and near-verbal media, their uses, and their users.

The leading theme of this volume is an interrogation of texts, both oral and written, that bear witness to experience and which are determined by permutations of subjective consciousness, the dynamics of transmission, cultural knowledge systems and codes, aboriginality, and the limits of verbalisation. The contributing authors are international scholars and artists in the fields of literature, education, creative writing, linguistics, film and documentary, performance studies, sporting culture, politics, and poetics. All offer erudite insights on various formal and informal articulations of experience, their applications, and their broader significance.
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Weitere Infos & Material

Tom Clark is a Senior Lecturer in the College of Arts at Victoria University, Melbourne. His teaching and research cover a range of problems in poetry and the poetics of public communication. His publications include Stay on Message: Poetry and Truthfulness in Political Speech (published by Australian Scholarly Publishing in 2012).

Tara Mokhtari teaches in the College of Arts at Victoria University, Melbourne, in the fields of Creative Writing and Literary Studies. She is the author of Anxiety Soup (published by Finlay Lloyd Press in 2013).

Sasha Henriss-Anderssen is an honours student in the College of the Arts at Victoria University, Melbourne. Her research interests include poetics and its application to translated manga.

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