Clark / Ni Shuilleabhain | Iel Intellectual Property Law in Ireland | Buch | 978-90-411-3302-1 |

Buch, Englisch, 224 Seiten

Clark / Ni Shuilleabhain

Iel Intellectual Property Law in Ireland

Buch, Englisch, 224 Seiten

ISBN: 978-90-411-3302-1
Verlag: Wolters Kluwer

Derived from the renowned multi-volume International Encyclopaedia of Laws, this monograph provides a survey and analysis of the rules concerning intellectual property rights in Ireland. It covers every type of intellectual property right in depth – copyright and neighbouring rights, patents, utility models, trademarks, trade names, industrial designs, plant variety protection, chip protection, trade secrets, and confidential information. Particular attention is paid throughout to recent developments and trends. The analysis approaches each right in terms of its sources in law and in legislation, and proceeds to such legal issues as subject matter of

- protection
- conditions of protection
- ownership
- transfer of rights
- licences
- scope of exclusive rights
- limitations
- exemptions
- duration of protection
- infringement
- vailable remedies, and overlapping with other intellectual property rights.

The book provides a clear overview of intellectual property legislation and policy, and at the same time offers practical guidance on which sound preliminary decisions may be based. Lawyers representing parties with interests in Ireland will welcome this very useful guide, and academics and researchers will appreciate ist value in the study of comparative intellectual property law.
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The Authors List of Abbreviations General Introduction §1. GENERAL BACKGROUND I. Geography II. Political Geography III. Political System IV. Cultural Composition V. Population Statistics §2. HISTORICAL BACKGROUND Selected Bibliography Chapter 1. Copyright and Neighbouring Rights §1. SOURCES: LEGISLATION §2. SUBJECT-MATTER OF PROTECTION I. Different Categories of Protected Works A. Works of Architecture, Being Either Buildings or Models for Buildings B. Works of Artistic Craftsmanship II. Works Excluded from Protection III. Special Categories of Works A. Computer Software B. Databases C. Others §3. CONDITIONS OF PROTECTION I. Formal Requirements II. Substantive Requirements §4. OWNERSHIP I. The Author (Initial Authorship) A. General B. Government Copyright C. Oireachtas Copyright D. International Organizations E. Irish Legal Tender II. Joint Works/Works Created by Several Persons III. Works Made for Hire §5. TRANSFER I. Assignment of Copyright II. Licenses §6. SCOPE OF EXCLUSIVE RIGHTS I. Moral Rights II. Exploitation Rights A. Reproduction Right B. Performing Right C. Adaptation Right D. Translation Right E. Other Rights 1. Droit de Suite 2. Public Lending Right 3. Others §7. LIMITATIONS OR EXEMPTIONS TO THE SCOPE OF COPYRIGHT PROTECTION §8. DURATION OF PROTECTION §9. NEIGHBOURING RIGHTS I. General II. Rights in Performances III. The Database Right §10. INFRINGEMENT AND REMEDIES I. Infringement II. Remedies A. Introduction B. Stopping the Infringement and the Circulation of Infringing Copies C. Damages or Some Other Form of Financial Compensation §11. OVERLAPPING AND RELATION TO OTHER INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY LAWS Chapter 2. Patents §1. SOURCES: LEGISLATION §2. PATENTABLE SUBJECT MATTER I. General II. Certain Subject Matter Excluded under Section 9(2) 1992 Act III. Exclusions Based on Public Order or Morality (Section 10(1)(a) 1992 Act) IV. Exclusion of Plant/Animal Varieties and Essentially Biological Processes for the Production of Plants/Animals (Section 10(1)(b) 1992 Act) V. Exclusion of Methods of Treatment/Diagnostic Methods (Section 10(1)(c) 1992 Act) VI. Other Excluded Subject-Matter §3. CONDITIONS OF PATENTABILITY I. Introduction II. Novelty III. Inventive Step IV. Susceptibility of Industrial Application §4. FORMALITIES I. The Application II. The Abstract III. The Specification IV. Sufficiency V. Time Requirements Applicable to Application VI. Priority VII. Publication of Application VIII. Search Reports IX. Amendment and Withdrawal X. Examination §5. OWNERSHIP AND TRANSFER (ASSIGNMENT – LICENSES) I. Ownership II. Joint Ownership III. Licensing, Assignment and Transfer of Interest A. General B. Licenses of Right C. Compulsory Licenses D. Use of Inventions for the Service of the State §6. SCOPE OF EXCLUSIVE RIGHTS §7. LIMITATIONS AND EXCEPTIONS TO THE SCOPE OF PATENT PROTECTION I. Introduction II. Prior Use of the Invention (Section 55 1992 Act) III. Miscellaneous Other Defences under the 1992 Act (Section 42) IV. Defences under the Biotechnology Regulations V. Defence under the European Communities (Limitation of Effect of Patent) Regulations 2006 (SI No. 50 of 2006) VI. Other Community Law Defences §8. DURATION OF PROTECTION: MAINTAINING AND TERMINATION OF PATENT PROTECTION I. Duration II. Renewal and Maintenance A. Renewal (Section 36) B. Restoration (Section 37) C. Post-Grant Amendment (Section 38) D. Surrender (Section 39) III. Revocation A. General B. Procedure C. Grounds §9. INFRINGEMENT AND REMEDIES I. Civil Action for Infringement: Infringing Acts A. Product Patents B. Process Patents II. Civil Action for Infringement: Interpretation of Claims III. Civil Action for Infringement: Remedies A. Injunction (Section 47(1)(a)) B. Delivery Up/Destruction (Section 47(1)(b)) C. Damages (Section 47(1)(c)) D. Account of Profits (Section 47(1)(d)) E. Declaration of Validity and Infringement (Section 47(1)(e)) F. Remedies under the European Communities (Enforcement of Intellectual Property Rights) Regulations 2006 (SI No. 360 of 2006) G. Remedies under the European Communities (Customs Action against Goods Suspected of Infringing Certain Intellectual Property Rights) Regulations 2005 (SI No. 344 of 2005) §10. OVERLAPPING AND RELATION TO OTHER INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY LAWS Chapter 3. Utility Models §1. SOURCES: LEGISLATION §2. THE PROTECTION OF UTILITY MODELS Chapter 4. Trademarks §1. SOURCES: LEGISLATION §2. SUBJECT MATTER OF PROTECTION I. Signs That May Serve as Trademarks II. Different Categories of Marks A. Marks Registered in Part A and Part B B. Marks Used on Goods and Services C. Certification Marks and Collective Marks §3. CONDITIONS OF PROTECTION I. Absolute Grounds for Refusal of Registration A. Section 8(1) B. Section 8(2) C. Section 8(3) D. Section 8(4) E. Section 9 (and 62-63) II. Relative Grounds for Refusal of Registration A. Introduction: Section 10(1)-(3) and Section 11 B. Identity of Marks (Section 10(1)) C. Similarity of Marks (Section 10(2)) D. Similarity of Goods/Services (Section 10(2)) E. Likelihood of Confusion (Section 10(2)) F. Well-Known Marks (Article 6bis Paris Convention) G. Marks with a Reputation (Section 10(3)) H. Sections 10(4) and 10(5): ‘Earlier Rights’ I. Section 12: Honest Concurrent Use III. Transitional Provisions §4. FORMALITIES (PROCEDURE FOR OBTAINING PROTECTION, ESTABLISHING AND MAINTAINING TRADEMARKS) I. Application Procedure II. Opposition Proceedings III. Maintenance of the Register §5. OWNERSHIP AND TRANSFER (ASSIGNMENT – LICENSES) I. General II. Assignment and Transmission of Trademarks III. Licensing of Trademarks §6. SCOPE OF EXCLUSIVE RIGHTS §7. LIMITATIONS ON THE SCOPE OF TRADEMARK PROTECTION I. Introduction II. Comparative Advertising (Section 14(6)) III. Defendant’s Mark is Registered (Section 15(1)) IV. Certain Uses in ‘Accordance with Honest Practices’ (Section 15(2)) V. Use in a Particular Locality (Section 15(3) and (4)) VI. Exhaustion of Rights (Section 16) VII. Registration Subject to a Disclaimer (Section 17) VIII. Non-Trademark Use 15

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