Clayton / Willihnganz | Basic Pharmacology for Nurses | Buch | 978-0-323-08654-7 |

Buch, Englisch, 912 Seiten, Format (B × H): 216 mm x 276 mm

Clayton / Willihnganz

Basic Pharmacology for Nurses

Buch, Englisch, 912 Seiten, Format (B × H): 216 mm x 276 mm

ISBN: 978-0-323-08654-7
Verlag: Mosby US

Basic Pharmacology for Nurses is a modern classic nursing pharmacology textbook known for its impeccably accurate drug content and its practical applications of the nursing process. A consistent emphasis on health promotion through monitoring and patient education is a hallmark of the book. Introductory units ground the reader in basic principles of pharmacology and medication administration. Subsequent body-system units apply the nursing process to every major disorder, and appropriate nursing implications are discussed for every drug class to promote safe medication administration.
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Weitere Infos & Material

Unit 1: Foundations of Pharmacology

- Drug Definitions, Standards, and Information Sources

- Basic Principles of Drug Action and Drug Interactions

- Drug Action across the Life Span

- The Nursing Process and Pharmacology

- Patient Education to Promote Health

Unit 2: Illustrated Atlas of Medication Administration and Math Review

- A Review of Arithmetic

- Principles of Medication Administration and Medication Safety

- Percutaneous Administration

- Enteral Administration

- Parenteral Administration: Safe Preparation of Parenteral Medications

- Parenteral Administration: Intradermal, Subcutaneous, and Intramuscular Routes

- Parenteral Administration: Intravenous Route

Unit 3: Drugs That Affect the Autonomic and Central Nervous Systems

- Drugs That Affect the Central Nervous System

- Drugs Used for Sleep

- Drugs Used for Parkinson's Disease

- Drugs Used for Anxiety Disorders

- Drugs Used for Mood Disorders

- Drugs Used for Psychoses

- Drugs Used for Seizure Disorders

- Drugs Used for Pain Management

Unit 4: Drugs That Affect the Cardiovascular System

- Introduction to Cardiovascular Disease and Metabolic Syndrome

- Drugs Used to Treat Dyslipidemias

- Drugs Used to Treat Hypertension

- Drugs Used to Treat Dysrhythmias

- Drugs Used to Treat Angina Pectoris

- Drugs Used to Treat Peripheral Vascular Disease

- Drugs Used to Treat Thromboembolic Disorders

- Drugs Used to Treat Heart Failure

- Drugs Used for Diuresis

Unit 5: Drugs Used to Treat Disorders of the Respiratory System

- Drugs Used to Treat Upper Respiratory Disease

- Drugs Used to Treat Lower Respiratory Disease

Unit 6: Drugs That Affect the Digestive System

- Drugs Used to Treat Oral Disorders

- Drugs Used to Treat Gastroesophageal Reflux and Peptic Ulcer Disease

- Drugs Used to Treat Nausea and Vomiting

- Drugs Used to Treat Constipation and Diarrhea

Unit 7: Drugs That Affect the Endocrine System

- Drugs Used to Treat Diabetes Mellitus

- Drugs Used to Treat Thyroid Disease

- Corticosteroids

- Gonadal Hormones

Unit 8: Drugs That Affect the Reproductive System

- Drugs Used in Obstetrics

- Drugs Used in Men's and Women's Health

Unit 9: Drugs That Affect Other Body Systems

- Drugs Used to Treat Disorders of the Urinary System

- Drugs Used to Treat Glaucoma and Other Eye Disorders

- Drugs Used for Cancer Treatment

- Drugs Used to Treat the Muscular System

- Antimicrobial Agents

Unit 10: Drugs That Affect the General Health of the Body

- Nutrition

- Herbal and Dietary Supplement Therapy

- Substance Abuse

- Miscellaneous Agents


Illustration Credits


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