Closed Nuclear Fuel Cycle with Fast Reactors | Buch | 978-0-323-99308-1 |

Buch, Englisch, 466 Seiten, Format (B × H): 152 mm x 229 mm, Gewicht: 720 g

Closed Nuclear Fuel Cycle with Fast Reactors

Handbook of Russian Nuclear Power
Erscheinungsjahr 2022
ISBN: 978-0-323-99308-1
Verlag: William Andrew Publishing

Handbook of Russian Nuclear Power

Buch, Englisch, 466 Seiten, Format (B × H): 152 mm x 229 mm, Gewicht: 720 g

ISBN: 978-0-323-99308-1
Verlag: William Andrew Publishing

Closed Nuclear Fuel Cycle with Fast Reactors: Handbook of Russian Nuclear Power provides unique insights into research and practical activities from leading Russian experts. It presents readers with unprecedented insight and essential knowledge surrounding nuclear fast reactor technologies, as well as novel methods to close the nuclear fuel cycle to achieve cleaner, more environmentally friendly, and more efficient nuclear power. Using the Proryv Project as a framework, the book's contributors provide detailed descriptions of technologies in development in Russia, allowing readers from around the globe to gain a thorough understanding which they can then apply to their own research and practice.

Nuclear engineers and technologists of fast reactors, advanced reactors and fuel cycles will use this book as a guide to inform new technology development. They will be able to use the experiences from the Proryv Project to drive fast reactor development with closed fuel cycles for the future.
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<p><b>Primary</b>: Nuclear engineers and technologists of fast reactors, advanced reactors and fuel cycles; nuclear safety analysts; nuclear designers; masters and PhD students of nuclear engineering and neutron physics</p> <p><b>Secondary: </b>Energy planners and strategists at government level</p>

Weitere Infos & Material

1. Introduction

Part I. Global power generation and the role of nuclear power engineering
2. Power generation and sustainable development
3. Role of nuclear power engineering in the Russian fuel and energy industry

Part II. Basic components of a new technology platform for nuclear power engineering
4. Fuel cycles of nuclear power engineering
5. Fuel supply
6. Prevention of severe reactivity-related accidents
7. Prevention of severe heat removal accidents
8. Codes for development and safety analysis of reactor plants
9. SNF and RW handling as a risk factor for the public
10. Radiation and radiological equivalence of RW for two-component nuclear power engineering
11. Technology support of the non-proliferation regime and conditions for export of the CNFC and FNR technologies
12. Economic competitiveness of innovative nuclear power engineering

Part III. Nuclear fuel and closing of the nuclear fuel cycle
13. Uranium and uranium-plutonium nuclear fuel
14. Dense nuclear fuel for fast reactors
15. Development of nitride fuel within the framework of Breakthrough Project
16. Mixed oxide fuel for fast reactors
17. REMIX fuel
18. Adaptation of uranium-plutonium fuel fabrication technologies
19. Usage of the industry-specific fuel infrastructure
20. Structural materials for fuel element claddings
21. SNF processing technologies
22. Radioactive waste management

Part IV. Advanced reactor technologies and the nuclear power engineering infrastructure
23. New generation reactor technologies within the framework of Generation IV International Forum
24. Development of technologies based on fast reactors
25. Fast reactors within the framework of Breakthrough Work Stream
26. Thermal reactors
27. Expansion of the nuclear power engineering application scope
28. Alternative reactor technologies
29. Superconducting power transmission technologies
30. Experimental facilities of nuclear power engineering
31. Digitalization in nuclear power engineering
32. Regulatory framework for the modern and future nuclear power engineering

Part V. Strategic guidelines for establishment of two-component nuclear power engineering
33. Optimal development scenarios for the Russian nuclear power engineering
34. Comparative analysis of the Russian nuclear power engineering development scenarios
35. Russian nuclear power engineering development variants for different integral capacity growth scenarios

1. Potential biological hazard (PBH) of significant radionuclides in the nuclear power engineering waste from thermal and fast reactors in 2100
2. PBH of significant radionuclides in the nuclear power engineering waste from thermal and fast reactors subsequent to storage for 100 to 1000 years starting with 2100
3. PBH of natural uranium with the total mass of 541.7 thous. tons
4. Characteristics of fuel campaigns for light-water reactors in the closed NFC
5. Basic technical characteristics of power units with fast reactors

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