Historia Mathematica | Academic Press | Zeitschrift | sack.de

Zeitschrift, Englisch

Erscheinungsweise: vierteljährlich

Historia Mathematica

ISSN 03150860

Academic Press

Zeitschrift, Englisch

Erscheinungsweise: vierteljährlich

ISSN 03150860
Academic Press

Historia Mathematica publishes historical scholarship on mathematics and its development in all cultures and time periods. In particular, the journal encourages informed studies on mathematicians and their work in historical context, on the histories of institutions and organizations supportive of the mathematical endeavor, on historiographical topics in the history of mathematics, and on the interrelations between mathematical ideas, science, and the broader culture.

In addition to research articles, Historia Mathematica also publishes book reviews, abstracts of the current literature in the history of mathematics, notes and sources, and occasionally letters to the editor.

Research Areas Include:

- Historiography

- Interrelations between mathematics and the natural sciences, social sciences, humanities, arts, religion, and education

- Mathematicians and their work in context

- Organizations and institutions

- Pure and applied mathematical developments

- Sociology of mathematics

Co-Editors in Chief: Nathan Sidoli, Reinhard Siegmund-Schultze Historia Mathematica jetzt bestellen!



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