Coleman / Tsongalis | Molecular Pathology | Buch | 978-0-443-19125-1 |

Buch, Englisch, Format (B × H): 216 mm x 276 mm

Coleman / Tsongalis

Molecular Pathology

The Molecular Basis of Human Disease

Buch, Englisch, Format (B × H): 216 mm x 276 mm

ISBN: 978-0-443-19125-1
Verlag: Elsevier Science & Technology

Molecular Pathology: The Molecular Basis of Human Disease, Third Edition is assembled by a group of experts to discuss the molecular basis and mechanisms of major human diseases and disease processes, presented in the context of traditional pathology, with implications for translational molecular medicine. The book serves as a multiuse reference appropriate as a classroom teaching tool for medical students, biomedical graduate students, allied health students, and others (such as advanced undergraduates). Furthermore, it is valuable for pathology residents and other postdoctoral fellows who desire to advance their understanding of molecular mechanisms of disease beyond what they learned in medical/graduate school, and for practicing basic scientists and physician scientists who perform disease-related basic science and translational research, who require a ready information resource on the molecular basis of various human diseases and disease states. In this new edition of the book, chapters have been fully updated as well as rearranged to make the topics flow more logically. Four new chapters have been added including content on the pathogenesis of fibrotic diseases, the mechanisms of mutation, the molecular basis of soft tissue disease and pathology, pathogenesis and pahtophysiology.
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Weitere Infos & Material

1. Pathology, Pathogenesis, and Pathophysiology: An Introduction to Disease 2. Understanding Molecular Pathogenesis: The Biological Basis of Human Disease and Implications for Improved Treatment of Human Disease 3. Molecular Mechanisms of Cell Death 4. Acute and Chronic Inflammation Induces Disease Pathogenesis 5. Infection and Host Response 6. Neoplasia 7. Pathogenesis of Fibrotic Diseases 8. (old Chapter 5) Basic Concepts in Human Molecular Genetics 9. Mechanisms of Mutation 10. The Human Genome: Implications for the Understanding of Human Disease 11. The Human Transcriptome: Implications for the Understanding of Human Disease 12. The Human Epigenome: Implications for the Understanding of Human Disease 13. Clinical Proteomics and Molecular Pathology 14. Integration of Molecular and Cellular Pathogenesis: A Bioinformatics Approach 15. Molecular Basis of Cardiovascular Disease 16. Molecular Basis of Hemostatic and Thrombotic Diseases 17. Molecular Basis of Lymphoid and Myeloid Diseases 18. Molecular Basis of Diseases of Immunity 19. Molecular Basis of Pulmonary Disease 20. Molecular Basis of Diseases of the Gastrointestinal Tract 21. Molecular Basis of Liver Disease 22. Molecular Basis of Diseases of the Exocrine Pancreas 23. Molecular Basis of Diseases of the Endocrine System 24. Molecular Basis of Gynecologic Diseases 25. Molecular Pathogenesis of Kidney Diseases 26. Molecular Pathogenesis of Prostate Cancer: Somatic, Epigenetic, and Genetic Alterations 27. Molecular Biology of Breast Cancer 28. Molecular Basis of Skin Disease 29. Molecular Pathogenesis of Diseases of the Eye 30. Molecular Basis of Bone Diseases 31. Molecular Basis of Soft Tissue Diseases 32. Molecular Basis of Diseases of the Nervous System 33. Molecular Diagnosis of Human Disease 34. Molecular Assessment of Human Disease in the Clinical Laboratory 35. Pharmacogenomics and Personalized Medicine in the Treatment of Human Disease

Coleman, William B.
William B. Coleman, PhD is the Executive Officer for the American Society for Investigative Pathology (Rockville, MD). Prior to taking this position with the American Society for Investigative Pathology, Dr. Coleman spent 28 years at the University of North Carolina School of Medicine (Chapel Hill, NC), first as a postdoctoral fellow (1990-1995) and then as a faculty member (1995-2018) in the Department of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine. During his time at the UNC School of Medicine, Dr. Coleman served as Director of Graduate Studies for the Molecular and Cellular Pathology Ph.D. Program (2006-2012; now the Pathobiology and Translational Medicine Ph.D. Program), was a co-founder of the UNC Program in Translational Medicine and served as its Co-Director (2006-2015) and then its Director (2015-2018), was affiliated with the Curriculum in Toxicology, the Cancer Biology Training Program, and was a member of the UNC Lineberger Comprehensive Cancer Center. Dr. Coleman was active in teaching biomedical graduate students and is a four-time recipient of the Joe W. Grisham Award for Excellence in Graduate Student Teaching from the Molecular and Cellular Pathology graduate students at the UNC School of Medicine. Prior to becoming an employee, Dr. Coleman was active in the leadership of the American Society for Investigative Pathology, serving in various roles including President (2015-2016). Dr. Coleman was honored with the ASIP Outstanding Investigator Award in 2013 from the American Society for Investigative Pathology. He is also a long-time member of the American Association for Cancer Research. He serves as Senior Associate Editor for The American Journal of Pathology, and is an Associate Editor for BMC Cancer, and PLoS One, and serves on the editorial boards of Clinica Chimica Acta, Experimental and Molecular Pathology, Archives of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine, Laboratory Investigation, and Current Pathobiology Reports, and has served as an ad hoc reviewer for 99 other journals. Dr. Coleman's major research interests are in the molecular pathogenesis of human cancers, with a specific interest in breast cancer epigenetics, liver carcinogenesis, and lung cancer biology. His research was funded by the NIH/NCI, The Susan G. Komen Breast Cancer Foundation, Friends for an Earlier Breast Cancer Test, and the UNC Lineberger Comprehensive Cancer Center. Dr. Coleman is the author of over 140 original research articles, reviews, and book chapters. In addition, Dr. Coleman has co-edited or co-authored ten books on topics related to molecular pathology, molecular diagnostics, and the molecular pathogenesis of human cancer.

Tsongalis, Gregory J.
Gregory J. Tsongalis, PhD, HCLD, CC, FNACB., is the Vice Chair for Research and the Director of the Laboratory for Clinical Genomics and Advanced Technology (CGAT) in the Department of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine at the Dartmouth-Hitchcock Medical Center and Norris Cotton Cancer Center (NCCC) in Lebanon, NH. He is a Professor of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine at the Audrey and Theodor Geisel School of Medicine at Dartmouth in Hanover, NH and a member of the NCCC Molecular Therapeutics Program and the gastrointestinal and breast cancer clinical oncology groups. In 2016 he became a member of Dartmouth College's Program in Experimental and Molecular Medicine (PEMM), and he has served on the advisory board of the Health Care Genetics Professional Science Master's Degree Program and Diagnostic Genetic Sciences Program at the University of Connecticut (Storrs, CT). His area of expertise is in the development and implementation of clinical molecular diagnostic technologies. His research interests are in the pathogenesis of human cancers, personalized medicine and disruptive technologies. He has authored/edited twelve textbooks in the field of molecular pathology, published more than 230 peer reviewed manuscripts, and has been an invited speaker at both national and international meetings. He has served on numerous committees of the American Association for Clinical Chemistry, the American Society for Investigative Pathology, the Federation for American Societies for Experimental Biology, and the Association for Molecular Pathology (where he is a past President). He is active in the Alliance for Clinical Trials in Oncology, the Association for Molecular Pathology, the American Association for Clinical Chemistry, the American Association of Bioanalysts, and the American Society for Investigative Pathology. He serves on the editorial boards of 8 journals including Clinical Chemistry, Experimental and Molecular Pathology, and the Journal of Molecular Diagnostics. In 2016, Dr. Tsongalis received the Norris Cotton Cancer Center Award for Excellence, in 2017 the Association for Molecular Pathology (AMP) Jeffrey A. Kant Leadership Award, and in 2019 the American Society for Investigative Pathology Robbins Distinguished Educator Award. He also serves on numerous corporate scientific advisory boards.

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