Colla / Pérez-Alfocea / Schwarz | Vegetable Grafting | E-Book |

E-Book, Englisch, Epub

Colla / Pérez-Alfocea / Schwarz Vegetable Grafting

Principles and Practices

E-Book, Englisch, Epub

ISBN: 978-1-78064-899-6
Verlag: University of Pennsylvania Press, Inc.
Format: EPUB
Kopierschutz: Adobe DRM (»Systemvoraussetzungen)

This book provides comprehensive, current scientific and applied practical knowledge on vegetable grafting, a method gaining considerable interest that is used to protect crops from soil-borne diseases, abiotic stress and to enhance growth/yield. Though the benefits of using grafted transplants are now fully recognized worldwide, understanding the rootstock-scion interactions under variable environmental pressures remains vital for grafting-mediated crop improvement. In this book the authors attend to this need and explain the reasons for, and methods and applications of, grafting.

Vegetable Grafting: Principles and Practices covers:
· rootstock breeding, signalling, and physiological and molecular mechanisms involved in grafting;
· beneficial effects of grafting including reducing disease damage and abiotic stress;
· side effects relating to the impact of grafting on fruit quality; and
· practical applications and speciality crops.

Including high-quality colour images and written by an international team of expert authors, this book provides up-to-date scientific data and is also concerned with translating science to the field. It is an essential resource for researchers, advanced technicians, practitioners and extension workers.
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