Labella, Angelo
Angelo Labella, Researcher of International Law. He has published on Public Domestic Law in International Matters, Law of the Sea and the Law of Treaties.
Conforti, Benedetto
Benedetto Conforti, Prof. emeritus of International law; Former Judge of the European Court of Human Rights; Member of the Institut de droit international, Member of the Court of Conciliation and Arbitration whithin the OSCE.He has published extensively on UN Law, Law of the Sea, EU Law, Human Rights.
Benedetto Conforti, Prof. emeritus of International law; Former Judge of the European Court of Human Rights; Member of the Institut de droit international, Member of the Court of Conciliation and Arbitration whithin the OSCE.He has published extensively on UN Law, Law of the Sea, EU Law, Human Rights.
Angelo Labella, Researcher of International Law. He has published on Public Domestic Law in International Matters, Law of the Sea and the Law of Treaties.