Control Valve Primer | Buch | 978-1-64331-136-4 |

Buch, Englisch, 220 Seiten, Paperback

Control Valve Primer

A User's Guide
Fifth Auflage
ISBN: 978-1-64331-136-4
Verlag: ISA

A User's Guide

Buch, Englisch, 220 Seiten, Paperback

ISBN: 978-1-64331-136-4
Verlag: ISA

In this new edition, Dr. Baumann—holder of more than 150 patents and author of more than 200 publications on control valves, fluid mechanics, and acoustics—shares his expertise in designing control loops and selecting final control elements. The easy-to-read text provides shortcuts through complex sizing and noise calculation formulas and gives practical advice on how to apply control valves for safety, reduced energy costs, loop stability, and easy maintenance.

This edition expands on the following: - The accurate, scientific-based, ABC sound-level prediction method that can be applied to all types and sizes of control valves in gas or liquid systems.
- A method of predicting pipe vibration levels based on acoustic sound power that enables technicians to spot dangerous acceleration levels which could damage pipes or attached instruments.
- Advances in aerodynamic noise suppression.
- Distributed control systems (DCSs) and smart positioners.
- The environmental impact of seat and stem packing leakage.
- Scientific insights on cavitation, super-sonic gas velocities, and turbulence.
- Selecting fail-safe valve open or close positions to meet cybersecurity demands.
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