Coomans / Cattoor / De Jonge | Mapping Landscapes in Transformation | Buch | 978-94-6270-173-1 |

Buch, Englisch, 376 Seiten, Format (B × H): 170 mm x 244 mm, Gewicht: 787 g

Coomans / Cattoor / De Jonge

Mapping Landscapes in Transformation

Multidisciplinary Methods for Historical Analysis

Buch, Englisch, 376 Seiten, Format (B × H): 170 mm x 244 mm, Gewicht: 787 g

ISBN: 978-94-6270-173-1
Verlag: Leuven University Press

relational complexity of urban and rural landscapes in space and in time

The development of historical geographical information
systems (HGIS) and other methods from the digital humanities have revolutionised
historical research on cultural landscapes. Additionally, the opening up of increasingly diverse collections of source material, often incomplete and difficult to interpret, has led to methodologically innovative experiments. One of today’s major challenges,
however, concerns the concepts and tools to be deployed for mapping processes
of transformation—that is, interpreting and imagining the relational complexity
of urban and rural landscapes, both in space and in time, at micro- and macro-scale.

Mapping Landscapes in Transformation gathers experts from
different disciplines, active in the fields of historical geography, urban and
landscape history, archaeology and heritage conservation. They are specialised in a wide
variety of space-time contexts, including regions within Europe, Asia, and the
Americas, and periods from antiquity to the 21st century.

Contributors: Karl Beelen (Karlsruhe IT), John Bintliff (Leiden University / Edinburgh University),
Bieke Cattoor (TU Delft), Jill Desimini (Harvard University), Cecilia Furlan
(TU Delft / KU Leuven), Ian Gregory and Christopher Donaldson (Lancaster
University), Joanna Taylor (University of Manchester), Piraye Hacigüzeller,
Frank Vermeulen and Devi Taelman (Ghent University), Ralf Vandam and Jeroen
Poblome (KU Leuven), Reinout Klaarenbeek (KU Leuven), Sanne Maekelberg (KU
Leuven), Steffen Nijhuis (TU Delft), Cristina Purcar (TU Cluj-Napoca), Changxue
Shu (KU Leuven, FWO), Bram Vannieuwenhuyze (University of Amsterdam), May Yuan
and Arlo McKee (University of Texas, Dallas)

Ebook available in Open Access.
This publication is GPRC-labeled (Guaranteed Peer-Reviewed Content).
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Weitere Infos & Material


Landscapes in Transformation: Multidisciplinary Methods for Historical Analysis

Thomas Coomans, Bieke Cattoor &
Krista De Jonge


Cartographic Grounds: The Temporal Cases

Jill Desimini

2. Data
Friction: Mapping Strategies on a (Peri)urban Frontier, Chennai, India

Karl Beelen

3. Mapping
and Design as Interrelated Processes: Constructing Space-Time Narratives

Bieke Cattoor

4. Mapping
the Evolution of Designed Landscapes with GIS: Stourhead Landscape Garden as an

Steffen Nijhuis

Unfolding Wasteland: A Thick Mapping Approach to the Transformation of
Charleroi’s Industrial Landscape

Cecilia Furlan

Photography, Railways and Landscape in Transylvania, Romania: Case Studies in
Digital Humanities

Cristina Purcar


7. Mapping
Archaeological Landscapes in Transformation: A Chaîne-Opératoire Approach

Piraye Hacigüzeller, Jeroen Poblome, Devi
Taelman, Ralf Vandam, Frank Vermeulen

8. A High-Resolution
Multi-Scalar Approach for Micro-Mapping Historical Landscapes in Transition: A
Case Study in Texas, USA

Arlo McKee, May Yuan

9. Pixels
or Parcels? Parcel-Based Historical GIS and Digital Thematic Deconstruction as
Tools for Studying Urban Development

Bram Vannieuwenhuyze

10. The
Secularisation of Urban Space: Mapping the Afterlife of Religious Houses in
Brussels, Antwerp and Bruges

Reinout Klaarenbeek

11. Mapping
Through Space and Time: The Itinerary of Charles of Croÿ

Sanne Maekelberg

Landscape Appreciation in the English Lake District: A GIS Approach

Ian Gregory, Christopher Donaldson,
Joanna E. Taylor

13. Digital
Humanities and GIS for Chinese Architecture: A Methodological Experiment

Chang-Xue Shu


Historical Landscapes in Transformation: An Overview

John Bintliff

About the

Coomans, Thomas
Thomas Coomans is an architectural historian, professor at the Department of Architecture of KU Leuven, and program director of the Raymond Lemaire International Centre for Conservation

Cattoor, Bieke
Bieke Cattoor is tenure track professor of landscape architecture at the Department of Urbanism, Faculty of Architecture and the Built Environment, TU Delft.

De Jonge, Krista
Krista De Jonge is professor of architectural history and head of the Department of Architecture, Faculty of Engineering Science, KU Leuven.

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