In writing Criminal Law: Cases, Statutes, and Problems, Professors Corbett, Bretz, and Gershel used their many years of experience both practicing and teaching criminal law to create a student-friendly text that empowers students to learn criminal law more efficiently and comprehensively, and prepares them to practice law as well. Organized in a clear and sensible manner, the textbook offers numerous statutes and Model Penal Code provisions to provide students with the opportunity to engage in some and#8220;practiceand#8221; statutory interpretation. Additionally, the book provides practice problems in many chapters, giving students the opportunity to apply the law. Moreover, because many of our students practice law in Michigan, the authors periodically include a case, statute, or note pertaining to Michigan law. The incorporated Michigan materials, however, will help students interested in practicing criminal law both within and outside of Michigan.
Corbett / Bretz / Gershel
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