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Cortes-Perez | Forensic Victimology and Femi(ni)cide | Buch | 978-3-031-82740-2 | sack.de

Buch, Englisch, 765 Seiten, Format (B × H): 155 mm x 235 mm


Forensic Victimology and Femi(ni)cide

A Transdisciplinary Approach on Forensic Evidence and its Contexts
Erscheinungsjahr 2024
ISBN: 978-3-031-82740-2
Verlag: Springer

A Transdisciplinary Approach on Forensic Evidence and its Contexts

Buch, Englisch, 765 Seiten, Format (B × H): 155 mm x 235 mm

ISBN: 978-3-031-82740-2
Verlag: Springer

This handbook of forensic victimology focuses on femi(ni)cide contexts, offering instructional tools for legal and forensic investigation from a transdisciplinary perspective. Drawing from cross-national experiences, particularly in Australia and Mexico, this two-volume set provides essential resources for identifying, investigating, analyzing, interpreting, and understanding lethal gender-based victimization through physical forensic evidence.

Volume I spans ten chapters and illustrates professional practice standards from the initial victimization report through specialized procedures, including crime scene processing, medical evidence collection, and entomology. It establishes the functionality and relevance of each stage of forensic investigation, alongside theoretical and legal considerations regarding various femicide contexts, such as intimate partner femicide, femicide-suicide, and child femicide. Additionally, it discusses due diligence standards in forensic investigation and legal considerations to avoid unlawful evidence.

Volume II offers an in-depth, global analysis of femicide and feminicide from legal, sociological, and criminological perspectives. It addresses the lack of coverage of forensic investigation, case solvability, forensic evidence, and victimological approaches. Volume II not only focuses on descriptive aspects of femicide and feminicide but also tackles practical issues related to access to justice and the importance of forensic methods in solving feminicide cases. By expanding on current developments in gender-based murder, it integrates applied forensic and legal settings, adopting a victim-centered approach to explain contexts of victimization in court.

Ideal for professionals in legal and forensic fields addressing gender-based victimization, this comprehensive set serves as a handbook for students in forensic-related areas such as legal and forensic medicine, criminalistics, criminology, and criminal law.
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Weitere Infos & Material

Part i. introduction.- 1. femi(ni)cide, forensic crisis, and justice: the need for a victimological standard in forensic contexts.- part ii. general issues on femi(ni)cide, forensic investigation, and due diligence.- 2. ‘femicide’ and ‘feminicide’: history, typologies, contexts, and complexities.- 3. child femicide.- 4. feminicidal violence and the nullity of unlawful evidence.- 5. due diligence standards: the forensic investigation on femi[ni]cide.- part iii. criminalistics and forensic medicine.- 6. crime scene and feminicide: crime scene investigation and processing standards.- 7. the contribution of forensic entomology to the investigation of violent crimes: historical framework and situation in mexico.- 8. feminicide: identification through skeletal remains.- 9. the role of forensic medical examiner towards feminicide.- 10. necropsy protocol for feminicide in pregnant women and perinatology of the embryo and fetus.-. epilogue.

Part i. social and behavioral forensic investigation in femi(ni)cide.- 1. investigative and forensic interview: estandards of practice in feminicide contexts.- 2. forensic discussion and formulation: ecological-intersectional perspectives in victimology and criminology to understand feminicide.- 3. forensic psychopathological aspects of femicidal offenders: an analysis of insanity and imputability.- 4. criminal motivations in femicide.- 5. motivations for juvenile offending behaviour and femicide.- 6. criminal profiling in femicide.- 7. forensic psychological evaluation of survivors of feminicide, a dignified forensic intervention for victims.- 8. forensic victimology and context analysis: the ecological-intersectional dimensions model on the victimization context.- 9. the use of applied victimology to increase solvability for femicide.- part 2. final reflections: truth, memory and justice for victims and survivors of femi(ni)cide.- 10. truth, memory, therapeutical and social justice: towards a victimology ‘about’ victims, ‘for’ victims and ‘along with’ victims aof femi(ni)cide.

Oscar I. Cortes-Perez is a Forensic Victimologist and tertiary education professor in areas of Criminology, Victimology, and Social and Behavioral Forensic Sciences. He holds a degree in Psychology from the Autonomous University of San Luis Potosí (Honorable Mention) and a Master’s in Forensic Sciences and Victimology from the Autonomous University of Durango Campus Zacatecas. He did internships at the Attorney General's Office of San Luis Potosi and at the Attorney General's Office of Mexico, performing forensic investigation duties.

He has worked forensic cases related to Child Sexual Abuse and Intimate Partner Violence along with the Specialized Prosecutor's Office for the Attention of Women, Family, and Sexual Crimes in San Luis Potosí. He was part of the Child and Adolescent Agenda of the Autonomous University of Yucatan and the Government of the State of Yucatan (Mexico) as a consultant expert in the strategic line “Best Practices in Justice”. Member of the Mexican Society of Criminology, and the World Society of Victimology.

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