Court | Read to Succeed | Buch | 978-1-85604-747-0 |

Buch, Englisch, 288 Seiten, Format (B × H): 156 mm x 234 mm


Read to Succeed

Strategies to Engage Children and Young People in Reading for Pleasure

Buch, Englisch, 288 Seiten, Format (B × H): 156 mm x 234 mm

ISBN: 978-1-85604-747-0
Verlag: Taylor & Francis

Concern about children's reading is an international issue highlighted by continuing OECD research. Government actions such as the priority given to reading in the review of the National Curriculum reflect current UK concern. Reading is an essential life skill not only for an individual's development and life chances but for social cohesion and a developed democracy. In an era of public spending cuts it is important to reflect upon the impact that libraries can have in growing readers for the future.

This much-needed book provides valuable evidence of successes so far both nationally and internationally, and offers ideas for future development as well as inspiration for current practice. An edited collection contributed by expert practitioners, it covers all aspects of promoting reading to and with children and young people from birth right through to teenage years, including the following key topics:

the importance of Bookstart

how children begin to read
creating young readers
literacy, libraries and literature in New Zealandthe Summer Challenge in libraries
Stockport does Book Idol
restoring reading to the classroom
promoting excellence - shadowing the CILIP Carnegie and Kate Greenaway medals
local book awards
the sport of reading
libraries and partnerships
the hard to reach reader in the 21st century
creative reading

Readership: Offering future scoping for managers and aiming to inspire partnership and cooperation, this will be invaluable reading for practitioners and students of librarianship in both the public and school sectors. It will also be of great interest to all teachers, consultants and educators concerned with literacy and reading, and to policy makers in both the school and library sectors. Concern about children's reading is an international issue highlighted by continuing OECD research. Government actions such as the priority given to reading in the review of the National Curriculum reflect current UK concern. Reading is an essential life skill not only for an individual's development and life chances but for social cohesion and a developed democracy. In an era of public spending cuts it is important to reflect upon the impact that libraries can have in growing readers for the future.

This much-needed book provides valuable evidence of successes so far both nationally and internationally, and offers ideas for future development as well as inspiration for current practice. An edited collection contributed by expert practitioners, it covers all aspects of promoting reading to and with children and young people from birth right through to teenage years, including the following key topics:

- the importance of Bookstart
- how children begin to read
- creating young readers
- literacy, libraries and literature in New Zealand
- the Summer Challenge in libraries
- Stockport does Book Idol
- restoring reading to the classroom
- promoting excellence - shadowing the CILIP Carnegie and Kate Greenaway medals
- local book awards
- the sport of reading
- libraries and partnerships
- the hard to reach reader in the 21st century
- creative reading.

Readership: Offering future scoping for managers and aiming to inspire partnership and cooperation, this will be invaluable reading for practitioners and students of librarianship in both the public and school sectors. It will also be of great interest to all teachers, consultants and educators concerned with literacy and reading, and to policy makers in both the school and library sectors.
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Professional Practice & Development


Weitere Infos & Material

Foreword - Alan Gibbons Introduction - Joy Court 1. It’s never too soon to start - Wendy Cooling 2. How children begin to read - Clare Wood 3. Creating young readers: teachers and librarians at work - Prue Goodwin 4. The six dimensions of the ‘honeycomb’ model, and its implications for literacy, libraries and literature in New Zealand - Helen Villers 5. The Summer Reading Challenge in libraries: a continuing success - Anne Sarrag, Lynne Taylor, Natasha Roe and Geraldine Brennan 6. Stockport does Book Idol! A case study linking libraries and schools to inspire reading for pleasure - Nikki Heath, Eddy Hornby and Jenny Barber 7. There and back again: restoring reading to the classroom - Bridget Hamlet 8.Promoting excellence: shadowing the CILIP Carnegie and Kate Greenaway Medals - Kasey Butler, Eileen Simpson and Joy Court 9. Choice and motivation: local book awards - Jean Wolstenholme and Jacob Hope 10. The sport of reading - Celeste Harrington and Wayne Mills 11. Adventures in the book trade: libraries and partnerships - Jacob Hope 12. The hard-to-reach reader in the 21st century - Andrew Blake, Julia Hale and Emma Sherriff 13. Creative reading and - Lili Wilkinson.

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