Static analysis is a research area aimed at developing principles and tools for veri?cation, certi?cation, semantics-based manipulation, and high-performance implementation of programming languages and systems. The series of Static Analysis Symposia has served as the primary venue for presentation and disc- sion of theoretical, practical, and applicational advances in the area. th This year’s symposium, The 17 International Static Analysis Symposium (SAS 2010), was held on September 14–16, 2010 in Perpignan, France, with 3 a?liated workshops: NSAD 2010 (The Second Workshop on Numerical and Symbolic Abstract Domains), SASB 2010 (The First Workshop on Static An- ysis and Systems Biology) on September 13, 2010, and TAPAS 2010 (Tools for Automatic Program Analysis) on September 17, 2010. The programme of SAS 2010 included a special session dedicated to the memory of the outstanding computer scientists Robin Milner and Amir Pnueli. This session consisted of 5 invited talks by E. Allen Emerson (The University of Texas at Austin, USA), Benjamin Goldberg (New York University, USA), James Leifer (INRIA Paris–Rocquencourt, France), Joachim Parrow (Uppsala University, Sweden), and Glynn Winskel (University of Cambridge, UK). There were 58 submissions. Each submission was reviewed by at least three programme committee members. The committee decided to accept 22 papers. In addition to the special session and the 22 contributed papers, the p- gramme included 4 invited talks by Manuel Fa ¨hndrich (Microsoft Research, USA), David Lesens (EADS Space Transportation, France), Andreas Podelski (Freiburg University, Germany), and Mooly Sagiv (Tel-Aviv University, Israel and Stanford University, USA).
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