Blundell, Michael
Mike Blundell is Professor of Vehicle Dynamics and Impact, Mechanical & Automotive Engineering, Coventry University, UK. He specializes in vehicle dynamics and safety teaching and research, and has worked with multibody systems applications in vehicle dynamics in industry and academia, publishing many papers on the topic.
Davies, Geoffrey
Following 10 years with Richard Thomas and Baldwins Ltd. (now Corus) engaged mainly on research into sheet steel products destined for the automotive industry, a further 35 years was spent on materials technology focused on the car body. This included spells at The Pressed Steel Company, Austin-Morris, BL Technology, Rover and finally BMW UK. Experience included all aspects of material selection raging from sheet steel to aluminium and polymers together with a detailed knowlege of most processing aspects such as pressing, painting and welding. Corrosion prevention was a major feature of recent years and collaborative work with Oxford University helped optimise the use of zinc coated steels on current bodywork.
Ribbens, William
Professor Ribbens received his B.S.E.E. degree in 1960, his M.S.E.E. degree in 1961, and his Ph.D. degree in 1965, all from the University of Michigan. From 1962-69, he was an assistant research engineer, associate research engineer, and research engineer. He was appointed assistant professor in 1969 and was promoted to associate professor in 1972 and professor in 1993. He was appointed professor of aerospace engineering in 1995. His research most recently has focused on electronic systems and devices that are applicable to all vehicles. His particular emphasis has been on engine control applications, mathematical models for drive-train systems, computer-assisted diagnostics for electronically controlled engines, and failure detection systems. His work in these areas has substantially advanced the art of automotive electronics, and he is recognized as a world leader in this area. He served on the Hitachi Science Board, a distinction given to few U.S. academics. He was also a visiting scientist at the Lawrence Livermore Laboratory, General Motors Technical Center, and the Technical University of Berlin.
Harty, Damian
Damian Harty is a Senior Staff Engineer at Polaris Industries based in Minnesota. He was formerly Director of the Vehicle & System Dynamics Group at Coventry University, a Technical Specialist for vehicle dynamics with Prodrive on the Mini WRC, as well as a freelance consultant.
Hoyle, David
David Hoyle is an international management consultant with over 30 years' experience in quality management. He has held senior positions in quality management with British Aerospace and Ferranti International and worked with such companies as General Motors, the UK Civil Aviation Authority and Bell Atlantic on their quality improvement programmes. As well as delivering quality management and auditor training courses throughout the world, he has participated in various industry councils and committees, including the Institute of Quality Assurance.
Martyr, A. J.
A.J. (Tony) Martyr has been either the sole or a co-author of all editions of 'Engine Testing'. For the last 50 years he has held senior technical positions in companies, internationally involved in the design and testing of automotive and marine powertrains. His published works include a book on Project Management, and papers on subjects covering Dynamometry and the International Transfer of Technology.
Pacejka, Hans
1934 Born in Rotterdam, the Netherlands
1946-1951 Highschools in Rotterdam and Bandung (Indonesia)
1959 MSc. degree in Mechanical Engineering at TU-Delft
1966 Ph.D. degree at the Delft University of Technology
Thesis on the Wheel Shimmy Phenomenon
Advisers: Prof. De Pater and Prof. Van Eldik Thieme
!966-1996 Professor of Vehicle System Engineering
Delft University of Technology
1971 Visiting professor at HSRI (UMTRI), University of Michigan
!972-1989 Editor in Chief of journal Vehicle System Dynamics
1977-1989 Secretary General of the International Association for Vehicle System Dynamics (IAVSD)
!989 Honorary Doctorate
Stockholm Royal Institute of Technology
1993-2006 Consultant TNO-Automotive, The Netherlands
1994-2000 President of IAVSD
2002- 2012 Author of book (1st, 2nd ,3d editions) 'Tire and Vehicle Dynamics'
Hans' areas of expertise include theoretical and experimental research on the dynamics of road vehicles and on the mechanical behaviour of pneumatic tires, and Bond graph modeling of dynamic systems.