Cronan | Microsoft Office Excel 2010 QuickSteps | Buch | 978-0-07-163489-2 |

Buch, Englisch, 288 Seiten, Format (B × H): 200 mm x 254 mm, Gewicht: 564 g


Microsoft Office Excel 2010 QuickSteps

Buch, Englisch, 288 Seiten, Format (B × H): 200 mm x 254 mm, Gewicht: 564 g

ISBN: 978-0-07-163489-2
Verlag: McGraw-Hill Education

Step-by-Step, Full-Color Graphics!Start using Excel 2010 right away--the QuickSteps way. Color screenshots and clear instructions make it easy to ramp up on the latest release of Microsoft's powerful spreadsheet application. Follow along and quickly learn how to create workbooks, enter and edit data, use formulas and functions, create charts and tables, analyze data, extend Excel, and more. Get up to speed on Excel 2010 in no time with help from this practical, fast-paced guide.Use these handy guideposts: - Shortcuts for accomplishing common tasks - Need-to-know facts in concise narrative - Helpful reminders or alternate ways of doing things - Bonus information related to the topic being covered - Errors and pitfalls to avoid
Cronan Microsoft Office Excel 2010 QuickSteps jetzt bestellen!


Weitere Infos & Material

Chapter 1. Stepping into Excel; Chapter 2. Entering and Editing Data; Chapter 3. Formatting a Worksheet; Chapter 4. Using Formulas and Functions; Chapter 5. Viewing and Printing Data; Chapter 6. Charting Data; Chapter 7. Working with Illustrations; Chapter 8. Managing Data; Chapter 9. Analyzing and Sharing Data; Chapter 10. Extending Excel; Index

John Cronan has co-authored more than 25 books, including Microsoft Office Excel 2007 QuickSteps, Microsoft Office Access 2007 QuickSteps, eBay QuickSteps, Second Edition, and Build an eBay Business QuickSteps, Second Edition.

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