Cummins | Building the Agile Enterprise | Buch | 978-0-12-374445-6 |

Buch, Englisch, 336 Seiten, Format (B × H): 191 mm x 235 mm, Gewicht: 690 g


Building the Agile Enterprise

With SOA, BPM and MBM

Buch, Englisch, 336 Seiten, Format (B × H): 191 mm x 235 mm, Gewicht: 690 g

ISBN: 978-0-12-374445-6
Verlag: William Andrew Publishing

In the last ten years IT has brought fundamental changes to the way the world works. Not only has it increased the speed of operations and communications, but it has also undermined basic assumptions of traditional business models and increased the number of variables. Today, the survival of major corporations is challenged by a world-wide marketplace, international operations, outsourcing, global communities, a changing workforce, security threats, business continuity, web visibility, and customer expectations. Enterprises must constantly adapt or they will be unable to compete.

Fred Cummins, an EDS Fellow, presents IT as a key enabler of the agile enterprise. He demonstrates how the convergence of key technologies-including SOA, BPM and emerging enterprise and data models-can be harnessed to transform the enterprise. Cummins mines his 25 years experience to provide IT leaders, as well as enterprise architects and management consultants, with the critical information, skills, and insights they need to partner with management and redesign the enterprise for continuous change. No other book puts IT at the center of this transformation, nor integrates these technologies for this purpose.
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IT leaders, including CIOs and CTOs; enterprise architects and information systems architects; business modelers and business process modeling professionals in IT and in business management consulting.


Weitere Infos & Material

ContentsIntroduction1. The Agile EnterpriseCommon business challengesThe modern ecosystemA new way of thinkingAgility enablersSOA Maturity ModelCSFs on the journey to agility2. Service Oriented ArchitectureBusiness servicesSOA infrastructureDefining servicesEnterprise transformationSOA Challenges3. Business Processes in a SOAProcess conceptsProcess modelingOperating modes Processes in SOAChoreography4. Business RulesTypes of RulesImplications of SOARules management5. Enterprise Information ManagementAgile enterprise requirementsLogical data modelData exchangeBusiness intelligence servicesMaster data managementKnowledge management6. SOA SecurityWhat makes SOA different?Encryption and signaturesIdentification and authenticationAuthorizationRole-based access control (RBAC)XACML PoliciesAccess control administrationFederation of trust domainsAccountability and non-repudiationMonitoring, logging, alerts and auditsVulnerability scanning and intrusion detection7. The SOA Organization StructureHow is SOA different?Service unit typesHierarchy design factorsOrganization specificationsOrganizational transformation8. Event Driven AgilityEvent resolution business frameworkOrigins of eventsIdentification of events of interestSources of Event noticesEvent notification infrastructureEvent resolution processes9. GovernanceBenefitsSOA Governance FrameworkStrategic PlanningEnterprise intelligence Business ArchitectureAudit and Risk AssessmentEnterprise TransformationStandards and technologyInformation Technology servicesFinance & Accounting servicesPurchasing servicesHuman resource management servicesProduct Value Chains10. Business ModelsBusiness modeling viewpointsModeling tool standards Enhanced modeling capabilitiesTactical solutions

Cummins, Fred A.
Fred Cummins, is currently an independent consultant and business systems architect. He is an active member of the Object Management Group as co-chair of the Business Modeling and Integration Task Force, co-chair of the Business Architecture Special Interest Group and co-chair of the Value Delivery Modeling Language Finalization Task Force. He was a leader in the development of the VDML (Value Delivery Modeling Language) and the CMMN (Case Management Model and Notation) specifications. He is a member of the board of LEADing Practice that is the provider of reference enterprise standards based on industry research by the Global University Alliance. Mr. Cummins has authored three books and a number of professional papers, and is inventor on 14 US patents. He was previously a Fellow with EDS and Hewlett Packard. He has consulted and developed systems in multiple industries including manufacturing, financial services, healthcare, transportation, telecommunications, insurance and government. Throughout his career he has applied advanced systems technology.

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