Current and Future Trends in Bridge Design, Construction and Maintenance (PLEASE NOTE: This is also available in CD-Rom format - ISBN: 9780727734549) | Buch | 978-0-7277-3475-4 |

Buch, Englisch, 520 Seiten, Format (B × H): 156 mm x 234 mm, Gewicht: 1040 g

Current and Future Trends in Bridge Design, Construction and Maintenance (PLEASE NOTE: This is also available in CD-Rom format - ISBN: 9780727734549)

Buch, Englisch, 520 Seiten, Format (B × H): 156 mm x 234 mm, Gewicht: 1040 g

ISBN: 978-0-7277-3475-4
Verlag: Institution of Civil Engineers

This book presents the proceedings of the fourth international conference on Current and Future Trends in Bridge Design, Construction and Maintenance, held in Kuala Lumpur in October 2005. This collaboration between the Institution of Civil Engineers and internationally renowned bridge engineers has culminated in the production of an extensive reference, an exchange of innovative experience, creative thinking and industry forecasts.
Current and Future Trends in Bridge Design, Construction and Maintenance (PLEASE NOTE: This is also available in CD-Rom format - ISBN: 9780727734549) jetzt bestellen!

Weitere Infos & Material

Engineering for Seismic Performance

1 - Dynamic response analysis of Shinkansen train-bridge interaction system subjected to seismic load, X. He, M. Kawatani, R. Sobukawa, and S. Nishiyama
2 - Arch bridge seismic response analysis, H.H. Abbas and W. Salah
3 - Effects of seismic risk on life-cycle cost analysis for bridge maintenance, H. Furuta, H. Katayama, M. Dogaki and D.M. Frangopol
4 - Effect of material quality on reliability of bridges, M. Kaszynska and A.S. Nowak
5 - Bridges for high speed railways - special considerations, S.G. Davis and A.G. Wilkins
6 - Effect of train dynamics on seismic performance of steel monorail bridges under extreme ground motions, C-H Lee, T. Kanbara, N. Nishimura, C-W Kim and M. Kawatani
7 - Tsugaru Strait Bridge and Nagisa Bridge — combining a suspension cable stayed bridge and a steel prestressed concrete bridge, H. Kudo, Y. Shioi, A. Hasegawa and N. Suzuki
8 - Investigation, selection, detailed analysis and strengthening design of bridges on the haulage route for the Genesis Energy Power Station upgrade, New Zealand, I. Sloane, G. Wemyss and Y. Khwaounjoo
Bridge Design

9 - Innovative steel plate girders with corrugated webs for short span bridges, E.Y. Sayed-Ahemd 10 - Advanced bridge analysis and design methods simplified, B. Skinner and D. Geeves
11 - Integral bridges: the final frontier, M. Tandon
12 - Pedestrian steel arch bridge with composite polymer deck, H. Zobel, P. Zoltowski, J. Piechna, and M. Wrobel
13 - Innovations in concrete arch bridge design, J. Radic, Z. Savor and A. Kindij
14 - Fatigue design of welded tubular steel bridge details, R.M. Natal Jorge, A.A. Fernandes, P.M.S.T. de Castro, N.E. Santos, R. Fonseca and A. Campos e Matos
15 - A new design concept for steel bridge decks, S.R. Bright and J.W. Smith
16 - Current and future trends in long-span bridge design in China, Y. Ge and H. Xiang
17 - Modern integral bridge designs for east coast expressway, A. Forouzani and I.M. Taib
18 - QLJC used in calculation of lateral load distribution factors, J. Lu and K. Chen
19 - Innovative technologies involved in a vehicular underpass, V. Gupta
20 - Limit state design and lateral buckling analysis of the steel pony truss bridge, E.H. Wang
Condition Monitoring and Repair

21 - Advanced retrofitting techniques with hybrid use of carbon fibre and external post-tensioning: a case study, E. Siviero, B. Briseghella and T. Zordan 22 - Tinsley Viaduct strengthening, UKA. Milner 23 - Investigation into the vibrations of suspension footbridge, M. Barghian and G-R. Zamani Ahari
24 - A study on repair and strengthening of historical steel bridges, H. Isohata 25 - Arch bridge strengthening - Tainui Bridge over the Waikato River, New Zealand, P.T. Sheasby and I.D. Sloane 26 - Torsional strengthening of substructure beams of Mangatawhiri River Bridge, Y.R. Khwaounjoo, A. Kerkovius, I. Sloane and J. Hilton 27 - The effect of long-term creep on moment redistribution of Pathum Thani Bridge crossing the Chao-Praya River, A. Pimanmas and K.H. Nielsen 28 - Cost-effective condition monitoring of concrete bridges, D. Pearson-Kirk, K.S. Croke and R.J.M. Cairns
29 - Bridge management studies to reduce whole-life costs, K.S. Croke, B.B. Pucknell and D.R. Pearson-Kirk
30 - Effect of vehicle model and initial condition on traffic-induced vibration of short-span girder bridge, sC-W Kim, M. Kawatani, N. Kawada and T. Sakata
31 - Acoustic emission as a tool for non-destructive diagnostics of bridges, K. Pospisil, J. Stryk, M. Korenska and L. Pazdera
32 - Condition monitoring, assessment and maintenance of bridges in Croatia, J. Radic, J. Bleiziffer and D. Tkalcic
33 - An investigation of the time-dependent behaviour of post-tensioned concrete structures, RJ. Lark, R.W. Howells and B.I. Barr
Bridge Construction - Parallel Session

34 - New trends in footbridge design, JJ. Corbal and J.A. Gonzalez
35 - Asymmetric cable-stayed bridge, Dubro

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