Current Law Legislation Citators | Buch | 978-0-421-41590-4 |

Buch, Englisch

Current Law Legislation Citators

Erscheinungsjahr 1989
ISBN: 978-0-421-41590-4
Verlag: Sweet & Maxwell

Buch, Englisch

ISBN: 978-0-421-41590-4
Verlag: Sweet & Maxwell

The new edition of Law and Practice of International Banking will be fully updated and revised to include new areas such as securitisation and regulatory aspects of derivatives, in addition to providing an authoritative guide to the latest developments in this rapidly evolving area of law. The complex underlying principles of the subject, along with emerging issues of major importance, will be fully covered, with the authors adopting a highly practical approach throughout.
From the content:

Governing law. Jurisdiction. Sovereign risk. Term loans. Primary and secondary syndication. Events of default. Swaps. Standby and commercial letters of credit. Security. Guarantees. Exchange controls. Withholding taxes. Securitisation. Eurobonds. Capital adequacy. Taxation issues.
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