E-Book, Englisch, Band 7, 571 Seiten, eBook
Dauchy / Martyn / Musson The Formation and Transmission of Western Legal Culture
1. Auflage 2017
ISBN: 978-3-319-45567-9
Verlag: Springer International Publishing
Format: PDF
Kopierschutz: 1 - PDF Watermark
150 Books that Made the Law in the Age of Printing
E-Book, Englisch, Band 7, 571 Seiten, eBook
Reihe: Studies in the History of Law and Justice
ISBN: 978-3-319-45567-9
Verlag: Springer International Publishing
Format: PDF
Kopierschutz: 1 - PDF Watermark
Weitere Infos & Material
Preface.- List of Contributors.- Table of Contents.- Chapter 1: General Introduction.- Chapter 2: Law Books during the Transition from Late-Medieval to Early-Modern Legal Scholarship.- 1. GRATIAN, Decretum; Antonia Fiori.- 2. AZO, Summa Aurea; Emanuele Conte.- 3. ACCURSIUS, Standard Gloss; Alain Wijffels.- 4. VON REPGOW, Saxon Mirror; Dirk Heirbaut.- 5. BRACTON, Of the Laws and Customs of England; Nigel Ramsay.- 6. HOSTIENSIS, Summa Aurea; Laurent Waelkens.- 7. DURANTIS, Speculum iudiciale; Beatrice Pasciuta.- 8. BARTOLUS, Commentaries; Ferdinando Treggiari.- 9. BALDUS, Commentary on the Code; Mario Conetto.- 10. BOUTILLIER, Rural summary; Georges Martyn.- 11. PANORMITANUS, Commentaries on the Decretals; Ora-zio Condorelli.- 12. TARTAGNI, Consilia; Andrea Padovani.- 13. LITTLETON, On tenures; Neil Jones.- Chapter 3: Legal Books in the Early Modern Western World.- 14. EVERARDUS, A Book on Topics; Alain Wijffels.- 15. ZASIUS, Individual and New Analyses of Several Pas-sages of Civil Law; Steven Rowan.- 16. ST GERMAN, Doctor and Student; Neil Jones.- 17. OLDENDORP, On Law and Equity; Mathias Schmoeck-el.- 18. ALCIATO, Four Books on the Significance of Words; Susanne Lepsius.- 19. FITZHERBERT, The New Natura Brevium; David J. Seipp.- 20. DUMOULIN, Commentaries on the Custom of Paris; Marie Seong-Hak Kim.- 21. MARANTA, Speculum aureum; Marco Nicola Miletti.- 22. COVARRUBIAS Y LEYVA, Various Solutions; Adolfo Giuliani.- 23. GÓMEZ, Comments on the Laws of Toro; María Paz Alonso Romero.- 24. SOTO, On Justice and Right; Wim Decock.- 25. STRACCA, Treatise on Commerce; Stefania Gialdroni.- 26. DAMHOUDER, Practical Handbook on Criminal Matters; Harald Maihold.- 27. VITORIA, On the Law of War of the Spanish against the Barbarians; Mathias Schmoeckel.- 28. LÓPEZ, The Siete Partidas; Aniceto Masferrer.- 29. CUJAS, Observations and Emendations; Xavier Pré-vost.- 30. PAPON, Collection of Important Cases; Géraldine Ca-zals.- 31. PECK, On Maritime Affairs; Dave De ruysscher.- 32. VÁZQUEZ DE MENCHACA, Controversies; Gustaaf van Nifterik.- 33. MATIENZO, Government of Peru; Víctor Tau Anzoátegui.- 34. BROOKE, La Graunde Abridgement; Margaret McGlynn.- 35. BODIN, The Six Books of Commonwealth; Diego Qua-glioni.- 36. GAIL, Observations; Peter Oestmann.- 37. MENOCHIO, Commentary on Presumptions, Conjec-tures, Signs and Indications; Adolfo Giuliani.- 38. DONEAU, Commentaries on Civil Law; Niels de Bruijn.- 39. DECIANI, Criminal Treatise; Loredana Garlati.- 40. MOLINA, On Justice and Right; Wim Decock.- 41. CASTILLO DE BOBADILLA, Politics for Corregidores; Otto Danwerth.- 42. GENTILI, On the Law of War; Giovanni Minnucci.- 43. DELRIO, Six Books of Investigation into Magic; Peter Oestmann.- 44. HEVIA BOLAÑOS, Philippic Court; Agustín Casa-grande.- 45. FAVRE, Codex Fabrianus; Patrick Arabeyre.- 46. LOISEL, Customary Institutes; Xavier Prévost.- 47. FONTANELLA, Treatise on Nuptial Pacts; Josep Capdeferro.- 48. SUÁREZ, On Laws and God the Legislator; Norbert Brieskorn.- 49. BACON, Example of a Treatise touching Universal Jus-tice; W. Hamilton Bryson.- 50. GROTIUS, On the Law of War and Peace; Alain Wijffels.- 51. CHRISTINAEUS, Decisions; Alain Wijffels.- 52. COKE, Institutes of the Laws of England; Anthony Musson.- 53. SOLÓRZANO PEREIRA, On the Laws of the Indies; Ditlev Tamm.- 54. PÉREZ, Imperial Institutions; António Pérez Martín.- 55. CARPZOV, New Imperial Saxon Practice of Criminal Law; Heikki Pihlajamäki.- 56. SELDEN, The Closure of the Sea; Randall Lesaffer.- 57. MEVIUS, Commentary on the Law of Lübeck; Nils Wurch.- 58. VINNIUS, Commentary on the Institutes; Laura Beck Varela.- 59. CONRING, Commentary on the Origin of German Law; Michael Stolleis.- 60. BARBOSA, Various Legal Dissertations; António Ma-nuel Hespanha.- 61. MATTHAEUS, On Crimes; Georges Martyn.- 62. GROENEWEGEN, A Treatise on the Laws abrogated and no longer in Use in Holland and Neighbouring Regions; Paul J. du Plessis.- 63. VAN LEEUWEN, Abstract of the Roman-Dutch Law; Remco van Rhee.- 64. LUCA, The Theatre of Truth and Justice; Aldo Maz-zacane.- 65. HUBER, On Constitutional Law; Margaret Hewett.- 66. PUFENDORF, On the Law of Nature and of Nations; Kjell Åke Modéer.- 67. MATHEU Y SANZ, Treatise on Criminal Matters; Juan Obarrio.- 68. DALRYMPLE, Institutions of the Law of Scotland; John D. Ford.- 69. DOMAT, The Civil Laws in their Natural Order; Italo Birocchi.- 70. BAS Y GALCERÁN, Theatre of Valencian Case Law; Juan Alfredo Obarrio Moreno.- 71. STRYK, Specimen of the Modern Application of the Pandects; Jan Schröder.- 72. VOET, Commentary on the Pandects; Philipp J. Thomas.- 73. VANESPEN, Universal Ecclesiastical Law; Christoph H.F. Meyer.- 74. EMERIX DE MATTHIS, Decisions of the Sacred Roman Rota; Dolores Freda.- 75. BIJNKERSHOEK, Dissertation on the Dominion of the Sea; Kinji Akashi.- 76. HALE, The History and Analysis of the Common Law of England; David Ibbetson.- 77. BÖHMER, Ecclesiastical Law of the Protestants; Emanuele Conte.- 78. HOLBERG, The Core of Morality; Sören Koch.- 79. HEINECCIUS, Fundamentals of Civil Law; Jan Schrö-der.- 80. BERNÍ Y CATALÁ, The Instructed Lawyer in Spanish Civil Practice; Juan B. Canizares-Navarro.- 81. WOLFF, Natural Law considered according to the Sci-entific Method; Sören Koch.- 82. MURATORI, Defective Jurisprudence; Italo Birocchi.- 83. VINER, A General Abridgment of Law and Equity; Da-vid Ibbetson.- 84. MONTESQUIEU, The Spirit of Laws; Serge Dauchy.- 85. MAYANS Y CISCAR, Legal Discussions; Pascual Par-zal.- 86. CAMPOMANES, Treatise on the Regal Privileges ofSpain; José María Vallejo García-Hevia.- 87. GILBERT, The Law of Evidence; Michael R.T. Mac-nair.- 88. VATTEL, The Law of Nations; Frederik Dhondt.- 89. POTHIER, Treatise on Obligations; Rudolf Meyer-Pritzl.- 90. BECCARIA, On Crimes and Punishments; Isabel Ramos Vázquez.- 91. BLACKSTONE, Commentaries on the Laws of England; Wilfrid Prest.- 92. JORDÁN DE ASSO, Institutes of the Civil Law of Castile; Juan Baró Pazos.- 93. JONES, An Essay on the Law of Bailments; Michael Hoeflich.- 94. LARDIZÁBAL Y URIBE, Discourse on Punishments; Ale-xandro Agüero.- 95. BENTHAM, An Introduction to the Principles of Morals and Legislation; Emmanuelle de Champs.- 96. MELO FREIRE, Institutions of Portuguese Law; António Manuel Hespanha.- 97. HUME, Commentaries on the Law of Scotland; James Chalmer.- Chapter 4: Law Books in the Modern Western World: Nineteenth and Twen-tieth Centuries.- 98. FEUERBACH, Textbook of the Common Criminal Law Applicable in Germany; Arnd Koch.- 99. THIBAUT, System of the Pandects’ Law; Christian Bal-dus.- 100. MERLIN DE DOUAI, Universal and Reasoned Repertory of Law; Hervé Leuwers.- 101. ZACHARIAE, Textbook of French Law; Olivier Descamps.- 102. SAVIGNY, Of the Vocation of Our Age for Legislation and Jurisprudence; Jan Schröder.- 103. ØRSTED, Handbook on Danish and Norwegian Law; Dag Michalsen.- 104. KENT, Commentaries on American Law; Charles J. Reid.- 105. ESCRICHE Y MARTÍN, Analytical Dictionary of Legislation and Jurisprudence; Agustín Parise.- 106. AUSTIN, The Province of Jurisprudence Determined; Michael Lobban.- 107. STORY, Commentaries on the Constitution of the Unit-ed States; Michael Hoeflich.- 108. LEWIN, A Practical Treatise on the Law of Trusts and Trustees; Chantal Stebbings.- 109. SMITH, A Selection of Leading Cases on Various Branches of the Law; Michael Lobban.- 110. PUCHTA, Textbook on the Pandects; Hans-Peter Haf-erkamp.- 111. SALA Y BAÑULS, Mexican Sala; Laura Beck-Varela.- 112. ALBERDI, Bases and Starting Points for the Political Organization of the Argentine Republic; Matthew C. Mirow.- 113. WINDSCHEID, The Actio of the Roman Civil Law from the Perspective of Modern-Day Law; Anja Amend-Traut.- 114. MEYER, Russian Civil Law; Dmitry Poldnikov.- 115. MAINE, Ancient Law; Ray Cocks.- 116. GOLDSCHMIDT, Handbook of Commercial Law; Stefania Gialdroni.- 117. BENJAMIN, Treatise on the Law of Sale of Personal Property; Janwillem Oosterhuis.- 118. GIERKE, The German Law of Association; Gerhard Dilcher.- 119. LAURENT, Principles of Private Law; Dirk Heirbaut.- 120. LANGDELL, A Selection of Cases on the Law of Con-tracts; Heikki Pihlajamäki.- 121. JHERING, Law as a Means to an End; Okko Behrends.- 122. ANSON, Principles of the English Law of Contract; Catharine MacMillan.- 123. MUROMTSEV, Definition and Principal Division of Law; Dmitry Dozhdev.- 124. WENDELL HOLMES, The Common Law; Jean-Louis Halpérin.- 125. STEPHEN, A History of the Criminal Law of England; Jula Hughes.- 126. DICEY, Introduction to the Study of the Law of the Constitution; Michael Lobban.- 127. POLLOCK, The Law of Torts; Matthew Dyson.- 128. DYUVERNUA, Excerpt of the Course of Lectures on Civil Law; Anton Rudokvas.- 129. PETRAZYCKI, The Doctrine of Income; Tomasz Giaro.- 130. SHERSHENEVICH, Textbook of Russian Private Law; Heike Litzinger.- 131. GÉNY, Method of Interpretation and Sources of Private Positive Law; Frédéric Audren.- 132. JELLINEK, General Theory of State; Jean-Louis Halpérin.- 133. WIGMORE, A Treatise on the System of Evidence in Trials at Common Law; Andrew Porwancher.- 134. DUGUIT, Social Law, Individual Law and the Trans-formation of the State; Bruno Debaenst.- 135. MAITLAND, The Forms of Actions; W. Hamilton Bryson.- 136. HAURIOU, Principles of Public Law; Yann-Arzel Du-relle-Marc.- 137. HAGERUP, The General Doctrines of Criminal Law; Lars Björne.- 138. POKROVSKY, Basic Problems of Private Law; Martin Avenarius.- 139. ROMANO, The Legal Order; Maurizio Fioravanti.- 140. SCHMITT, Dictatorship; Gilberto Bercovici.- 141. SINZHEIMER, An Outline of Labour Law; Naoko Matsumoto.- 142. WEBER, Economy and Society; Jean-Louis Halpérin.- 143. PASHUKANIS, General Theory of Law and Marxism; Andreas Harms.- 144. LLEWELLYN, The Bramble Bush; William Twining.- 145. SÁNCHEZ DE BUSTAMANTE Y SIRVEN, International Public Law; Margarita Serna Vallejo.- 146. KELSEN, Pure Theory of Law; Jean-Louis Halpérin.- 147. LUNDSTEDT, The Un-Scientific Nature of Legal Science; Heikki Pihlajamäki.- 148. RABEL, The Law of the Sale of Goods; Albrecht Cordes.- 149. OLIVECRONA, Law as Fact; Eric Millard.- 150. ROSS, On Law and Justice; Ditlev Tamm.- List of Illustrations.- Index of Names.- Index by Keywords.