E-Book, Englisch, 572 Seiten, 2 volumes
Reihe: Orpheus Institute Series
de Assis / Giudici The Dark Precursor
Erscheinungsjahr 2018
ISBN: 978-94-6166-233-0
Verlag: Leuven University Press
Format: PDF
Kopierschutz: Adobe DRM (»Systemvoraussetzungen)
Deleuze and Artistic Research
E-Book, Englisch, 572 Seiten, 2 volumes
Reihe: Orpheus Institute Series
ISBN: 978-94-6166-233-0
Verlag: Leuven University Press
Format: PDF
Kopierschutz: Adobe DRM (»Systemvoraussetzungen)
volumes on 'Deleuze and Artistic Research':
- Machinic
Assemblages of Desire
- Aberrant
Deleuze’s and Guattari’s philosophy in the field of artistic research
Gilles Deleuze’s intriguing concept of the dark precursor refers to intensive processes of energetic flows passing between fields of different potentials. Fleetingly used in Difference and Repetition, it remained underexplored in Deleuze’s subsequent work. In this collection of essays numerous contributors offer perspectives on Deleuze’s concept of the dark precursor as it affects artistic research, providing a wide-ranging panorama on the intersection between music, art, philosophy, and scholarship.
The forty-eight chapters in this publication present a kaleidoscopic view of different fields of knowledge and artistic practices, exposing for the first time the diversity and richness of a world situated between artistic research and the philosophy of Gilles Deleuze and Félix Guattari. Within different understandings of artistic research, the authors—composers, architects, performers, philosophers, sculptors, film-makers, painters, writers, and activists—map practices and invent concepts, contributing to a creative expansion of horizons, materials, and methodologies.
This publication is
GPRC-labeled (Guaranteed Peer-Reviewed Content).
VOLUME 1: Paulo de Assis, Arno Böhler, Edward Campbell, Diego Castro-Magas, Pascale Criton, Zornitsa Dimitrova, Lois Fitch, Mike Fletcher, Paolo Galli, Lindsay Gianoukas, Keir GoGwilt, Oleg Lebedev, Jimmie LeBlanc, Nicolas Marty, Frédéric Mathevet, Vincent Meelberg, Catarina Pombo Nabais, Tero Nauha, Gabriel Paiuk, Martin Scherzinger, Einar Torfi Einarsson, Steve Tromans, Toshiya Ueno, Susanne Valerie, Audrone Žukauskaite
VOLUME 2: Éric Alliez, Manola Antonioli, Jurate Baranova, Zsuzsa Baross, Anna Barseghian, Ian Buchanan, Elena del Río, Luis de Miranda, Lucia D’Errico, Lilija Duobliene, Adreis Echzehn, Jae Emerling, Verina Gfader, Ronny Hardliz, Rahma Khazam, Stefan Kristensen, Erin Manning, John Miers, Elfie Miklautz, Marc Ngui, Andreia Oliveira, Federica Pallaver, Andrej Radman, Felix Rebolledo, Anne Sauvagnargues, Janae Sholtz, Mhairi Vari, Mick Wilson, Elisabet Yanagisawa
Weitere Infos & Material
Volume I: The Dark Precursor in Sound and Writing PrefacePaulo de Assis Part 1 SoundThe Obscure Precursor, French Modernism, and the Musics of the WorldEdward CampbellThe Executing Machine: Deleuze, Boulez, and the Politics of DesireMartin ScherzingerDeleuze’s Fold in the Performing Practice of Aaron Cassidy’s The Pleats of MatterDiego Castro-MagasVariables, Diagrams, ProcessPascale CritonPerforming Music, Performing the Figure: Deleuze and PaintingLois FitchMachining the Voice through the Continuous VariationPaolo GalliTemplates for Technique in Mantel and Lachenmann: Between Transcendence and ImmanenceKeir GoGwiltTowards a Figural Paradigm in Music: Capture of Forces and Logic of Sensation in Géométries de l’abîme (LeBlanc), In Vivo (Cendo), and The Restoration of Objects (McCormack)Jimmie LeBlancL ’image-temps: Conceptual Foundations of My Compositional ApproachNicolas MartyCircumstantial Scores, Graphic Scores, Extended Scores: The Work as “Ecopraxic” RediagrammatisationFrédéric MathevetPerform Now! The Ethics of Musical ImprovisationVincent MeelbergThinking Sound through the Notion of the Time-Image: Deleuze’s Cinema Studies as a Model for Problematising Sound in Artistic PracticeGabriel PaiukRe-Notations: Flattening Hierarchies and Transforming FunctionsEinar Torfi EinarssonAlone/Together: Simulacral “A-presentation” in and into Practice-as-Research in JazzSteve Tromans and Mike FletcherA Journey of Refrains, Vibes, and Ambiences: Félix Guattari in Terms of the Techno Party SceneToshiya Ueno, aka Toshiya the Tribal Part 2 Writing and StagingCorpus Delicti #2 // Untimely Precursors Lecture Performance*Arno Böhler and Susanne ValerieDeleuze’s Expressionism as an Ontology for Theatre Zornitsa DimitrovaSpace and Sensation: Zoé Degani’s Art of Pluralising Signs OnstageLindsay GianoukasJourney into the Unknown: Romeo Castellucci’s Theatre of SignsOleg LebedevFrom Schizoproduction to Non-standard Artistic ResearchTero NauhaDeleuze and PerversionCatarina Pombo NabaisDeleuze, Simondon, and Beckett: From Being to BecomingAudrone Žukauskaite Volume II: The Dark Precursor in Image, Space, and Politics Part 1 ImageOn Contemporary Art and Philosophy: Towards a Diagrammatic Critique of AestheticsÉric AlliezDeleuze and Guattari’s Digital Art Machines Anne SauvagnarguesHeterogeneity of Word and Image: What is the Possible Dark Precursor?Jurate BaranovaGodard and/with Deleuze: “C’est comme ça que le monde naît”Zsuzsa BarossNo Voice is Lostor or, The Dead as a WitnessAnna Barseghian and Stefan Kristensen)( Z )(Lucia D’ErricoDigital Folds, or Cinema’s Automated BrainElena Del RíoBeyond Artist and Artisan: Performing Unformed Sound in the Art MachineLilija DuoblieneHollywood Flatlands: Taking a Line for a WalkVerina GfaderBacon and the Cartoonist: The Emergence of the Figure through Two Opposing DiagramsJohn Miers al niente—a dissolution: Thinking in Images and SoundsAdreis Echzehn and Elfie MiklautzDrawings from A Thousand PlateausMarc NguiThe Image as a Process of Invention within Artistic ResearchAndreia Oliveira and Felix RebolledoMatter-flow: Studies of Minor CompositionFederica Pallaverperpetual doubt, constant becomingMhairi VariThe Fold: A Physical Model of Abstract Reversibility and EnvelopmentElisabet Yanagisawa Part 2 SpaceUrban War MachinesManola AntonioliTransmissibility: A Mode of Artistic Re-searchJae EmerlingArchitecture and IndifferenceRonny HardlizZigzagging: Bound by the Absence of a TieAndrej Radman Part 3 PoliticsThe Fear of BoredomIan BuchananArt, Knowledge, and the In-betweenRahma KhazamIn the Act: The Shape of PrecarityErin ManningOn the Concept of Creal: The Politico-Ethical Horizon of a Creative AbsoluteLuis de MirandaAffects of Indeterminacy and Silence as Aleatory Intervals between Art and Philosophy: A Deleuzian ReadingJanae SholtzSomething Along the Lines of.Mick Wilson Notes on ContributorsIndex of NamesIndex of Subjects