De Beer / Enenkel / Rijsser | The Neo-Latin Epigram | Buch | 978-90-5867-745-7 |

Buch, Englisch, Band 25, 350 Seiten, Format (B × H): 160 mm x 240 mm, Gewicht: 588 g

Reihe: Supplementa Humanistica Lovaniensia

De Beer / Enenkel / Rijsser

The Neo-Latin Epigram

A Learned and Witty Genre

Buch, Englisch, Band 25, 350 Seiten, Format (B × H): 160 mm x 240 mm, Gewicht: 588 g

Reihe: Supplementa Humanistica Lovaniensia

ISBN: 978-90-5867-745-7
Verlag: Leuven University Press

The epigram is certainly one of the most intriguing, while at the same time most elusive, genres of Neo-Latin literature. From the end of the fifteenth century, almost every humanist writer who regarded himself a true ‘poeta’ had composed a respectable number of epigrams. Given our sense of poetical aesthetics, be it idealistic, post-idealistic, modern or post-modern, the epigrammatic genre is difficult to understand. Because of its close ties with the historical and social context, it does not fit any of these aesthetic approaches. By presenting various epigram writers, collections and subgenres from the fifteenth to the seventeenth century, this volume offers a first step towards a better understanding of some of the features of humanist epigram literature.

Contributions by: Karl A.E. Enenkel, Stephan Busch, Marc D. Lauxtermann, Jan Bloemendal, Donatella Coppini, David Rijser, Susanna De Beer, Christoph Pieper, Han Lamers, Maarten Jansen, Tobias Leuker, Juliette A. Groenland, Johannes Jansen, Moniek van Oosterhout, Ingrid D. Rowland.
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Weitere Infos & Material

Karl A.E. ENENKEL, Introduction: The Neo-Latin Epigram: Humanist

Self-Definition in a Learned and Witty Discourse

Stephan BUSCH, Versus ex variis locis deducti. On Ancient Collections

of Epigrams

Marc D. LAUXTERMANN, Janus Lascaris and the Greek Anthology

Jan BLOEMENDAL, The Epigram in Early Modern Literary Theory:

Vossius’s Poeticae Institutiones

Donatella COPPINI, The Comic and the Obscene in the Latin Epigrams

of the Early Fifteenth Century

David RIJSER, The Practical Function of High Renaissance Epigram:

The Case of Raphael’s Grave

Susanna DE BEER, The Pointierung of Giannantonio Campano’s

Epigrams: Theory and Practice

Christoph PIEPER, Genre Negotiations: Cristoforo Landino’s Xandra

Between Elegy and Epigram

Han LAMERS, Marullo’s Imitations of Catullus in the Context of his

Poetical Criticism

Maarten JANSEN, Epigramma cultum and the Anthologia Palatina:

Case Studies from Michael Marullus’ Epigrammata

Tobias LEUKER, Incisività sublime: l’arte epigrammatica di Aurelio

Orsi nel giudizio di Giambattista Marino

Juliette A. GROENLAND, Epigrams Teaching Humanist Lessons: The

Pointed Poems and Poetics of the Latin School Teacher Joannes

Murmellius (c. 1480-1517)

Johannes JANSEN, The Microcosmos of the Baroque Epigram:

John Owen and Julien Waudré

Moniek VAN OOSTERHOUT, Hugo Grotius and the Epigram

Ingrid D. ROWLAND, Angelo Colocci’s Collections of Epigrams


Rijsser, David
David Rijser is lecturer in Classical Latin at the University of Amsterdam.

De Beer, Susanna
Susanna De Beer is post-doctoral researcher in Neo-Latin at Leiden University.

Enenkel, Karl A.E.
Karl Enenkel is Professor of Latin Philology of the Middle Ages and the Early Modern Period, Westfälische Wilhelms-Universität (WWU), Münster.

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