de Brito / Thomas / Medina | Waste and Byproducts in Cement-Based Materials | Buch | 978-0-12-820549-5 |

Buch, Englisch, 808 Seiten, Format (B × H): 152 mm x 229 mm, Gewicht: 1000 g

de Brito / Thomas / Medina

Waste and Byproducts in Cement-Based Materials

Innovative Sustainable Materials for a Circular Economy
Erscheinungsjahr 2021
ISBN: 978-0-12-820549-5
Verlag: William Andrew Publishing

Innovative Sustainable Materials for a Circular Economy

Buch, Englisch, 808 Seiten, Format (B × H): 152 mm x 229 mm, Gewicht: 1000 g

ISBN: 978-0-12-820549-5
Verlag: William Andrew Publishing

Waste and By-Products in Cement-Based Materials: Innovative Sustainable Materials for a Circular Economy covers various recycled materials, by-products and wastes that are suitable for the manufacture of materials within the spectrum of so-called cement-based materials (CBM). Sections cover wastes for replacement of aggregates in CBM, focus on the application of wastes for the replacement of clinker and mineral additions in the manufacture of binders, discuss the optimization process surrounding the manufacture of recycled concrete and mortars, multi-recycling, advanced radiological studies, optimization of self-compacting concrete, rheology properties, corrosion prevention, and more.

Final sections includes a review of real-scale applications that have been made in recent years of cement-based materials in roads, railway superstructures, buildings and civil works, among others, as well as a proposal of new regulations to promote the use of waste in the manufacture of CBM.
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<p>Industrial manufacturers producing aggregates from waste; binder and additive producers in the cement and chemical industries; designers, builders and manufacturers; regulators, materials scientists and engineers and researchers involved in sustainable construction.</p>

Weitere Infos & Material

Section A Waste for aggregates in cement-based materials 1 Modeling the interfacial transition zone between recycled aggregates and industrial waste in cementitious matrix C. Medina, J. Sánchez, I.F. Sáez del Bosque, M. Frías, and M.I. Sánchez de Rojas 2 Waste for aggregates in ultrahigh performance concrete (UHPC) F. Lopez Gayarre, I. Lopez Boadella, J. Suarez Gonzalez, C. Lopez-Colina, M. Serrano Lopez, and Flavio Stochino 3 Use of coal bottom ash and other waste as fine aggregates in lightweight cement-based materials B. González-Fonteboa, F. Martínez-Abella, R. Rodríguez-Álvaro, E. Rey-Bouzón, S. Seara-Paz, and M.F. Herrador 4 Residual biomasses as aggregates applied in cement-based materials M. López-Alonso, M. Martín-Morales, M.J. Martínez-Echevarría, F. Agrela, and M. Zamorano 5 Technical and economic implications of using recycled fiber-reinforced polymer waste as aggregate in concrete Ardavan Yazdanbakhsh Section B Waste for binders and additions 6 Application of phosphogypsum for the improvement of eco-efficient cements J. Rosales, M. Gázquez, M. Cabrera, J.P. Bolivar, and F. Agrela 7 Effect of wastes as supplementary cementitious materials on the transport properties of concrete Yury Villagrán-Zaccardi, Natalia Alderete, Carlos Pico-Cortés, Claudio Zega, Puput Risdanareni, and Nele De Belie 8 Fly ash-incorporated recycled coarse aggregate-based concrete Sushree Sunayana and Sudhirkumar V. Barai 9 Industrial waste from biomass-fired electric power plants as alternative pozzolanic material I.F. Sáez del Bosque, M.I. Sánchez de Rojas, E. Asensio, M. Frías,and C. Medina 10 Inorganic binders from petrochemical industry waste: The case of fluid catalytic cracking catalyst residue M.V. Borrachero, J. Payé, J. Monzó, L. Soriano, and M.M. Tashima 11 Utilization of metallurgical wastes as raw materials for manufacturing alkali-activated cements A.T.M. Marsh, T. Yang, S. Adu-Amankwah, and S.A. Bernal Section C Optimization of concrete and mortar for a circular economy 12 Multirecycled concrete aggregates in concrete production Jorge de Brito, Luís Evangelista, and Carlos Thomas 13 Radiological shielding concrete using steel slags P. Tamayo, Carlos Thomas, J. Rico, Jesús Setién, Juan Antonio Polanco, S. Pérez, and S. Manñanes 14 Self-compacting concrete also standing for sustainable circular concrete Sandra Nunes and Carla Costa 15 Optimization of self-compacting recycled concrete manufactured with waste and byproducts Juan Manso (Manuel), Francisco Fiol, Carlos Thomas, Vanesa Ortega-López, Vi16 Rheological behavior of recycled aggregate concrete M. Barra, D. Aponte, F. Faleschini, B. González-Fonteboa, and I. González-Taboada 17 Active-state corrosion in recycled aggregate concrete Rui Neves and Jorge de Brito Section D Environmental implications of the use of waste in cement-based materials 18 Comprehensive environmental evaluation of photocatalytic eco-blocks produced with recycled materials Md. Uzzal Hossain, Ming-Zhi Guo, and Chi Sun Poon 19 Leaching assessment methodologies and regulations for evaluating the use of secondary and recycled materials in concrete and mortars C.J. Engelsen, H.A. van der Sloot, and D.S. Kosson 20 Methodology for the evaluation of the life cycle in research on cement-based materials Tayfun Uygunoglu, Pelin Sertyesilisik, and ÍIker Bekir Topçu 21 Cement treatment of recycled concrete aggregates and incinerator bottom ash as road bases in pavements Dongxing Xuan, Baojian Zhan, and Chi Sun Poon 22 Alternative secondary raw materials for road construction based on pulp and paper industry waste D. Aponte, H. Baloochi, M. Barra, A. Martínez, R. Miro, J. Cepria, and R. Orejana 23 Ladle furnace slags for construction and civil works: A promising reality A. Santamaría, Vanesa Ortega-López, Marta Skaf, F. Faleschini, A. Orbe, and J.T. San-José 24 Real-scale applications of waste in cement-based materials in building B. González-Fonteboa, F. Lopez Gayarre, J. Vera-Agulló, M. Casado, and C. Medina 25 Fatigue in recycled aggregate concrete for railway superstructure applications José Sainz-Aja, Blas Cantero, Carlos Thomas, Isidro Carrascal, Jesús Setién, Juan Antonio Polanco, Ana Cimentada, and José A. Casado 26 Normative review and necessary advances to promote the use of recycled aggregates and by-products in cement-based materials F. Agrela, P. Alaejos, Carlos Thomas, J. Rueda, R.V. Silva, J. Moreno-Juez, M.A. Sanjuán, Jorge de Brito, and M.I. Sánchez de Rojas

de Brito, Jorge
Jorge de Brito is a full professor of civil engineering in the Department of Civil Engineering, Architecture and Georesources, Instituto Superior Técnico, University of
Lisbon. His main research topic is sustainable construction, particularly on the use of recycled aggregates in concrete and mortars. He has participated in 20 competitively financed research projects (four as the principal investigator) and supervised 20 PhD and 150 MSc theses. He is the author of 3 previous books, 20 book chapters, 250 journal and 450 conference papers. He is the editor-in-chief of the Journal of Building Engineering, an associate editor of the European Journal of Environmental and Civil Engineering, a member of the editorial boards of 15 other international journals and a member of the CIB, FIB, RILEM, IABMAS and IABSE organisations.

Medina, César
César Medina is a Full Professor of Civil Engineering at the University of Extremadura, Spain. He received his Doctorate in 2011 from the University of León. He is also the recipient of several prizes, notably an Outstanding PhD Thesis in 2014, the University of Extremadura Award for Young Researcher Career Excellence in Technical Fields in 2018, and two Young Researcher Medals by the Royal Spanish Academy of Engineering in 2021. He is a prolific author (research papers, monographs, book chapters, journals' special issues), has participated in highly reputed national and international congresses, is involved with Q1 and Q2 JCR journals as a referee, and has also co-edited Waste and By-Products in Cement-Based Materials (Elsevier).

Agrela, Francisco
Francisco Agrela is a Full Professor of Civil and Agricultural Engineering at the University of Cordoba, Spain, where he also obtained his PhD in 2003. He is a prolific author of research papers, book chapters, and conferences proceedings. In the last ten years, he has participated as Principal Investigator in more than 40 R+D+i projects related to real-scale applications of waste management and recycled materials. He collaborates with several Elsevier journals as a reviewer, notably Construction and Building Materials, Waste Management, Materials and Design, Resources, Conservation and Recycling, etc., and he is also on the Editorial Board of Materials (MDPI).

Thomas, Carlos
Carlos Thomas is an Associate Professor at the Materials Science and Engineering Laboratory in the Civil Engineering School of the University of Cantabria, Spain. He received his International PhD with cum Laude and Extraordinary Doctorate Award in 2013. His research activity has focused on the evaluation of construction, demolition and industry wastes for the manufacture of recycled mortars and concrete. In the last five years, he has participated as Principal Investigator in 5 R&D projects and as a researcher in another 10 R&D projects, with both public and private funding, related to recycled materials. He is the author of 20 JCR papers, one of them certified as one of the 25 most downloaded in ScienceDirect, and more than 80 congress communications and conferences. He has undertaken research stays in France, Germany, Brazil, and Portugal, and he is one of the promoters of the "Spanish Recycled Concrete Network".

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