In 2014, Prof. de Haan joined the TP group and the ChemE department as a full professor in Process Technology. Next to setting up a research programme on Process Technology for Biobased Chemicals, Prof. de Haan focuses on attracting and supervising design projects for PDEng students, and on teaching Process technology and Conceptual Process Design to MSc and PDEng students in Chemical Engineering. Prof. De Haan has published 193 papers in international journals, as well as 25 patents and 3 De Gruyter books. He has successfully supervised 36 PDEng and 32 PhD projects. In the past 10 years, he has received 20MEuro research funding and executed research projects in close collaboration with many industrial and societal partners, including TNO, DSM, Sasol, Bateman, Duyvis, BASF, Wetsus, Shell, Unilever, Dow, Friesland Foods, Corbion Purac, Douwe Egberts and AkzoNobel. Prof. de Haan is editor of the journal Separation and Purification Technology. H. Burak Eral obtained his Ph.D. degree at the University of Twente, The Netherland in 2012. He then moved to the Massachusetts Institute of Technology to work with Professors Patrick S. Doyle and Allan Myerson (MIT-Novartis Center for Continuous Manufacturing). Since October 2016 he has been working as a tenure track assistant professor at Delft University of Technology. He also holds a guest faculty position at Utrecht University's Van’t Hoff labs. He is currently serving in the board of Delft Process Technology Institute. Dr. Eral's research intends to extend the current understanding of the physical mechanisms governing dynamics and phase behaviour of soft matter systems that play a critical role in manufacturing and separation processes involving complex fluids, flow and crystallization. Boelo Schuur is a separation technologist working as tenured associate professor with a main focus on affinity fluid separations. He has authored 72 peer reviewed journal papers, 2 book chapters, 11 peer reviewed conference proceedings and 14 patents.