Deane | Doctorate: Finding your Way as a Healthcare Professional in Research | Buch | 978-0-323-87928-6 |

Buch, Englisch, Format (B × H): 152 mm x 229 mm


Doctorate: Finding your Way as a Healthcare Professional in Research

Finding your Way as a Healthcare Professional in Research

Buch, Englisch, Format (B × H): 152 mm x 229 mm

ISBN: 978-0-323-87928-6
Verlag: Mosby US

Are you thinking about embarking on postgraduate qualifications? Are you unsure how to juggle the challenges of a doctorate alongside your clinical workload and personal responsibilities? Then this new book from academic and health professional Dr Janet Deane is for you.

Written from personal experience, Doctorate: Finding Your Way will help you navigate the entire process of your PhD journey, from choosing your research topic to undertaking the course and assessment, obtaining funding, managing your time, and optimising your health and wellbeing. The book is packed full of tips and advice from other health professionals who have successfully completed their doctorates.

This book will be especially useful for nurses, midwives and allied health professionals who are considering doctoral research with a view to becoming future research leaders in their field. - The only title on the market written from the perspective of healthcare professionals rather than those already embedded in academia - provides real-life insights and advice
- Written in a personal, conversational style - easy to read for busy healthcare professionals
- Encourages self-reflection - how your values and background can inform your future research career
- Tips for grant and fellowship applications, and how to persist beyond failure
- Advice on time management, supervision and mentorship, work-life balance and how to meet your goals
- Support for maintaining your physical and mental health from those who have been through it too
- Interviews with a diverse range of UK nurses, midwives and allied health professionals who are either currently on or have successfully navigated the journey
Deane Doctorate: Finding your Way as a Healthcare Professional in Research jetzt bestellen!


Weitere Infos & Material

Section OneChapter 1 A personal journey Chapter 2 The doctoral process Chapter 3 Funding Chapter 4 Project management Chapter 5 Supervision and mentorship Chapter 6 Personal development and career planning Chapter 7 Health and wellbeing Chapter 8 The doctoral parent and carer Chapter 9 Academic writing Chapter 10 Thesis writing Chapter 11 Viva Voce Chapter 12 Celebrating success Chapter 13 Paying it forward Chapter 14 Conclusion Section Two Interviews with experienced healthcare professionals involved in research by Janet DeaneChapter 15 Introduction Chapter 16 Undertaking a professional doctorate with Dr Jane Simmonds (Paediatric Physiotherapy) Chapter 17 Applying for doctoral funding and learning from experience with Dr Margaret Coffey (Speech and Language Therapy) Chapter 18 The reality of doctoral project management with Dr David Wilkie (Clinical Science) Chapter 19 Reflections from an experienced doctoral supervisor and mentor with Professor Lisa Roberts (Musculoskeletal Physiotherapy) Chapter 20 Doctoral development with Dr Kylie Watson (Midwifery) Chapter 21 Health and well-being from the perspective of a doctoral student with Meera Sharma (Radiography) Chapter 22 Experience of being a doctoral parent with Dr Anthony Gilbert (Orthopaedic Physiotherapy) Chapter 23 Writing your way with Dr Marianne Coleman (Visual Science and Orthoptics) Chapter 24 Writing a doctoral thesis from the perspective of an experienced examiner with Professor Chris Nestor (Podiatry) Chapter 25 The viva voce is your time to shine with Dr Donna Kennedy (Occupational Therapy) Chapter 26 Celebrate your impact and success with Dr Kerry Gaskin (Nursing) Chapter 27 Share your privilege with Dr Gita Ramdharry (Neurological Physiotherapy)Section 3 Resources

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