Deepening our Understanding of Wittgenstein | Buch | 978-90-420-2010-8 |

Buch, Englisch, Band 71, 280 Seiten, Format (B × H): 155 mm x 235 mm, Gewicht: 508 g

Reihe: Grazer Philosophische Studien

Deepening our Understanding of Wittgenstein

Erscheinungsjahr 2006
ISBN: 978-90-420-2010-8
Verlag: Brill | Rodopi

Buch, Englisch, Band 71, 280 Seiten, Format (B × H): 155 mm x 235 mm, Gewicht: 508 g

Reihe: Grazer Philosophische Studien

ISBN: 978-90-420-2010-8
Verlag: Brill | Rodopi

This volume is of interest for anyone who aims at understanding the so-called 'later' or 'mature' Wittgenstein. Its contributions, written by leading German-speaking Wittgenstein-scholars like Hans Sluga, Hans-Johann Glock, Joachim Schulte, Eike von Savigny, and others, provide deeper insights to seemingly well discussed topics, such as family resemblance, Übersicht (perspicuous representation), religion, or grammar, or they explain in an eye-opening fashion hitherto enigmatic expressions of Wittgenstein, such as 'The pneumatic conception of thought' (PI §109), 'A mathematical proof must be surveyable' (RFM III §1), or 'On this a curious remark by H. Newman' (OC §1).
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Weitere Infos & Material

System of Reference to Wittgenstein’s Writings
Hans SLUGA: Family Resemblance
Klaus PUHL: Only Connect … — Perspicuous Representation and the Logic of Nachträglichkeit
Joachim SCHULTE: The Pneumatic Conception of Thought
Felix MÜHLHÖLZER: “A Mathematical Proof Must Be Surveyable”: What Wittgenstein Meant by This and What It Implies
Michael KOBER: Wittgenstein and Religion
Wolfgang KIENZLER: Wittgenstein and John Henry Newman on Certainty
Hans-Johann GLOCK: Thought, Language, and Animals
Severin SCHROEDER: Moore’s Paradox and First-Person Authority
Eike VON SAVIGNY: Use, Meaning, and Theoretical Commitment
Wolfgang HUEMER: The Transition Form Causes to Norms: Wittgenstein on Training
Barbara SCHMITZ: Grammatical Propositions
Richard RAATZSCH: On Knowing What One Does

Michael Kober is Professor of Philosophy at the University of Freiburg, Germany. He published extensively on Wittgenstein’s philosophy (cf. e.g. his ‘Gewissheit als Norm’) as well as on Davidson (‘Bedeutung und Verstehen’) and other topics in the philosophy of language, of mind, epistemology, theory of action, and social philosophy.

Michael Kober is Professor of Philosophy at the University of Freiburg, Germany. He published extensively on Wittgenstein’s philosophy (cf. e.g. his ‘Gewissheit als Norm’) as well as on Davidson (‘Bedeutung und Verstehen’) and other topics in the philosophy of language, of mind, epistemology, theory of action, and social philosophy.

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