Delhez / Mittemeijer | European Powder Diffraction 3 | Sonstiges | 978-3-03859-805-3 |

Sonstiges, Englisch, 866 Seiten, Format (B × H): 125 mm x 142 mm, Gewicht: 200 g

Delhez / Mittemeijer

European Powder Diffraction 3

Sonstiges, Englisch, 866 Seiten, Format (B × H): 125 mm x 142 mm, Gewicht: 200 g

ISBN: 978-3-03859-805-3
Verlag: Trans Tech Publications

Powder diffraction continues to be a highly active field of research where many interesting developments are currently taking place.
Delhez / Mittemeijer European Powder Diffraction 3 jetzt bestellen!

Weitere Infos & Material

High Temperature Phase Transitions in Kaolinite: The Influence of Disorder and Kinetics on the Reaction PathCharacteristically Asymmetric X-Ray Line Broadening, an Indication of Residual Long-Range internal StressesStructural Disorder: What you can learn from Diffuse Scattering by RMC ModellingApplication of the Monte Carlo Technique to the Investigation of One-Dimensionally Disordered StructuresApplication of Brillouin Zone Concept to Structural Analysis of Intermetallic PhasesA Modified Algorithm of the Autoindexing of Reflections from Multiphase PolycrystalsA Family of Asymmetric Profile Functions for use in X-Ray and Neutron Powder DiffractometryTransparency Effects of a Standard Specimen in Diffraction Line-Broadening AnalysisA Contribution to Micro- and Picostructural Models of Thin Polycrystalline FilmsX-Ray Diffraction Analysis of High-Tc SuperconductorsGeneralization of Empirical Texture Correction and Application to Joint RefinementCorrection of the Microabsorption Effect in Rietveld AnalysisDegree of Crystallinity Calculations for Polymer and Catalyst MaterialsAngle-Dispersive Powder-Diffraction at High PressureAn Overview of NIST Powder Diffraction Standard Reference MaterialsExperimental Whole Powder Pattern Intensity Calibration in X-Ray Powder Diffractometry (XRPD)Grazing Incidence Diffraction with a Sealed Tube X-Ray SourcePhase Transformation of NiTi Alloy Studied with an Inel X-Ray Position Sensitive DetectorUse of an X-Ray Imaging Plate for Stress AnalysisUse of an X-Ray Imaging Plate for Texture MeasurementsRing-Shape Distortion of the Pole Figure, caused by small Precession of the Sample during Data AcquisitionThe Effect of Divergence Slit Configuration, Background Handling and Texture Effects on Quantitative Analysis of Amorphous and Crystalline SiO2-FractionsEnergy-Dispersive X-Ray Diffraction Analysis of the Structure of Disordered MaterialsX-Ray Powder Diffraction at Temperatures up to 3000 KPC Environment for Commonly used Programs in Powder Structure RefinementInformation-Calculating System on Crystal Structure Data of Minerals (MINCRYST)QUAN 1877 - A Program for Quantitative Phase Analysis with Whole Observed Diffraction ProfilesSome Advanced Techniques for Radial Distribution Function; IBM PC CalculationPowder Diffraction with Synchrotron Radiation: New PerspectivesSynchrotron X-Ray Powder Diffraction Facilities at Daresbury LaboratoryBackscattering Monochromators for Powder Diffraction with Synchrotron RadiationNeutron Powder Diffraction Facilities at the Laboratoire Leon BrillouinThe Polaris Powder Diffractometer at ISISPossible Utilization of High Resolution Fourier Diffractometer at Reactor IBR-2 for Strain MeasurementsHigh Precision Structural Refinement from High Resolution Fourier Neutron Powder Diffraction DataA New Position-Sensitive Detector (PSD) for Thermal NeutronsModification of RTOF-Devices for Investigation in Solid State Physics and Material ScienceCharacterization of Multilayers for Neutron OpticsX-Ray Diffraction Investigations of Thin Gold FilmsThe Application of High Resolution X-Ray Diffraction for the Investigation of the Process of Elastic Strain Relaxation in InGaAs Quantum WellPreparation and Properties of W/Si Multilayer X-Ray ReflectorsInvestigation of the Behaviour of Stress in Metallization Thin Films for Microelectronics during Thermal Cycling using High-Temperature X-Ray DiffractionX-Ray Diffraction Studies and Ellipsometric Diagnostics of Thin a-Ti Growth Films in Plasma Activated Physical Vapour DepositionAn X-Ray Study of Thermally-Sprayed Metal CoatingsCharacterization by XRPD of Diamond Films Grown on TitaniumInvestigation of Thermal Aging of Ni/C-Multilayers by X-Ray MethodsThickness and Density Determination for Ni-C-Ni Ultrathin Film by Photoemission and X-Ray Fluorescence Measurements under Total External ReflectionStructural Analysis and Residual Stress Measurements in a Natural Titanium Oxide LayerIn Situ Determination of the Residual Stress Field Induced by Air Oxidation, up to 1000 ?C, in a 20% Cr 5% Al Ferritic Steel, by X-Ray DiffractionIn Situ Study of the Formation of Orientations during the High Temperature Oxidation of CopperIn Situ Study of the High Temperature Oxidation of X20CrMoV 12 1 in Air by means of X-Ray DiffractionResidual Stress in Plasma-Sprayed Ceramic CoatingsPhase Stability of NiCrAIY Powders for Plasma Sprayed CoatingsCharacterization by X-Ray Diffraction of PZT (Pb(ZrxTi1-x)O3) Thin Films on Pt/TiN/BPSG/Si SubstrateEstimation of Short-Range Order Parameters in Cu-Cd Amorphous AlloysPeculiarities of Macro- and Microstructure in Melt-Quenched Ni58[Nb(1-x)V(x)]42 AlloysStructural Changes in Amorphous Ge Induced by Sb-ImplantationX-Ray Studies of Crystallization of Amorphous FeSiBCuNb-AlloysStudies on Kinetics and Connective Structures of Phase Transformations from Amorphous to Crystalline ZeolitesCrystal Structure of the Carbon-Free MartensiteCarbon Solubility in Laser Treated Zone of Fe-Based AlloysAsymmetry of Bragg Peaks in Off-Stoichiometric Fe3Si AlloysStructural Characterization and Properties of the Ni2MnGa Ribbon Transforming MartensiticallyX-Ray Powder Diffraction Investigation of Ternary Au-Cu-Sn AlloysIcosahedral and Approximant Structures of AlCuFe Phases: A Study by Diffraction at High PressureStructure of (Al, Cu)13 Fe4 with Cu-Contents of 0, 2 and 4 at. %The Influence of the Magnetic State on the Structure and Thermal Expansion in Rare Earth CompoundsAnisotropic Thermal Expansion in RECu2-CompoundsCrystal Structure Solution of LuAu1+xGa2-x from X-Ray Powder Diffraction DataNeutron Powder Diffraction Study of 2D and 3D Incommensurately Modulated Magnetic StructuresRietveld Refinement of the Phase of NH4NO3 Measured In-Situ under Different Diffraction GeometriesThermal Behaviour of Monoclinic Zirconia at Low Temperature by XRPD Full Pattern AnalysisPhase Changes in the Active Layer of ZnO Ceramic Filters during Contact with GasesApplication of X-Ray Powder 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ProcessesHigh-Pressure, High-Temperature Study of Magnetite using Synchrotron RadiationHigh-Pressure Studies of Crystals of C60/C70Magnetic and Atomic Ordering in K-Phase PowderPowder Diffraction as a Routine Tool for Ab-Initio Structure Determinations of Metal HydridesSimulation of Stacking Faults Effect on X-Ray Patterns of Silicon CarbideMagnetic and Structural Properties of the Garnets in the System Fe2O3-Y2O-ZrO2-CaORietveld Refinement of a Zinc Substituted AIPO4-34 AluminophosphateAn Investigation on the Structure of Gamma Titanium Phosphates from X-Ray Conventional Powder Diffraction DataAb Initio Crystal Structure Determination of Uranium Orthophosphate by Conventional X-Ray Powder DiffractionApplication of Combined Neutron and X-Ray Powder Diffraction Refinements to the Structure of Congruent Lithium NiobateXRD and TEM Study of the Anisotropy of an Anomalous Grandite Garnet from Recsk, M?tra Mts. (N-Hungary)Ordering in Synthetic Magnesium-Manganese Olivines by Synchrotron X-Ray Rietveld RefinementThe Crystal Structures of Orthorhombic and Monoclinic PalygorskiteApplications of Powder Diffraction Crystal Structure Studies to Problems in Mineral ProcessingDetermination of the Crystal Structures of TIPbSbS3, (TI,K)Fe3(SO4)2(OH)6 and Cu3SbS3 from X-Ray Powder Diffraction DataThe Structure Determination of Rubidium Zinc Chloride from X-Ray Powder Data by the Rietveld MethodTwo Examples of Unusual Cases of X-Ray Rietveld Refinements: The Hygroscopic Fluoride Rb2KYF6 and the Intermetallic UM2Sn(M=Co, Rh)Crystal Structures of Cubic a-PrOF and Rhombohedral ?-PrOF from X-Ray Powder DiffractionSynthesis and Crystal Structure Determination of TIAg3S2Magnetic Structure of CU4Mn2Te4Limitation of Qualitative and Quantitative X-Ray Phase Analysis on Red MudComparison of Multiphase Rietveld and Classical Quantitative X-Ray AnalysisX-Ray Diffraction Analysis of Airborne Particulates Collected by a Cascade Impactor Sampler. Phase Distribution Versus Particle SizeQuantitative Diffractometric Phase Analyses of Marine SedimentsQuantitative X-Ray Diffraction Analysis of the Products of Fe2Ti1-xSnxO5 Pseudobrookite SynthesisThe Structure Investigation of Hard Composite Materials Using X-Ray DiffractionMicrostructural Characterization of some Hydrothermal Synthetic Kaolinites: Preliminary DataTexture Characterisation of a Porphyroblastic PyropeSimulation of Diffraction Pattern of Nanometric Silicon Carbide PowdersQuantitative Analysis of Organic Compounds by Rietveld MethodAn X-Ray Powder Diffraction Study on ExplosivesStructural Studies on Pyridine Type Complexes of Cobal(II)halidesStructural Modifications in PolyvinylalcoholCharacteristaion of YBCO Ceramics Prepared by an Equilibrium Method with X-Ray Powder Diffraction Complemented by Measurements of Resistance and Susceptibility in the Range of 40 K - 300 KStrong Texture in YBa2Cu3O7-d Thin Films Investigated by Various XRD GeometriesComputing Simulation of Defected Bi4Sr4CaCu3Ox StructureHigh Resolution X-Ray Diffraction Study of the Strongly Defected Bi4Sr4CaCu3OxInvestigations of Bi2Sr2CaCu2O8+x Bulk MaterialDiffraction Studies of LaGaO3Studies of Structural and Luminescent Properties of Gd3Ga5O12: Cr and Corresponding Solid Solutions

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